Adventure Cycling Association Forum

Bicycle Travel => Temporary ACA Route Road Closures => Topic started by: CMajernik on February 05, 2020, 06:00:04 pm

Title: Great Parks N. Section 2. SR 83 resurfacing project - May through July 2020
Post by: CMajernik on February 05, 2020, 06:00:04 pm
A resurfacing project on SR 83 will begin at the end of April 2020 until the end of July 2020. It is 16.3 miles in length. It begins at milepost 47.8 (5 mi. N. of Condon), and ends at milepost 31.5 (11 mi. S. of Condon). The contractor will accommodate bicyclists through the construction zone. There will be a flagger at each end of the project, and a pilot car will lead motorists/cyclists through the zone. The contractor is required to maintain a surface that cyclists are capable of riding on, and providing plenty of time for cyclists to make it through the zone.