Adventure Cycling Association Forum

Bicycle Travel => Gear Talk => Topic started by: mpemburn on August 06, 2021, 02:29:06 pm

Title: What to do with a broken frame?
Post by: mpemburn on August 06, 2021, 02:29:06 pm
Hi All,

New here, and hope this is a good place to ask my question.

Last week, I did a stupid and severely bent the rear derailleur hanger on my beloved Trek Pilot 5.2.  To the point were it is actually cracked.  Oy.  Can anyone tell me what one can do with a damaged and essentially unusable carbon frame?

Thanks in advance,

Mark Pemburn
Bel Air, MD
Title: Re: What to do with a broken frame?
Post by: driftlessregion on August 06, 2021, 03:22:40 pm
Here's what I found
Title: Re: What to do with a broken frame?
Post by: mpemburn on August 06, 2021, 04:08:03 pm
Excellent!  Thank you!
Title: Re: What to do with a broken frame?
Post by: John Nelson on August 06, 2021, 04:24:12 pm
There are many people that can repair carbon frames.
Title: Re: What to do with a broken frame?
Post by: mpemburn on August 09, 2021, 09:54:54 am
I might give that a shot.  I'm planning a trip to the LBS this week, and I'll bring the frame with me to see what they have to say. 

If it can be fixed, I'll have to slow roll it, though—I've spent a lot of $$$ buying a new frame and the handful of parts that were either trashed or can't be transferred from the old bike.  It would be sweet to have the good ol' Trek Pilot under me again some day...