Adventure Cycling Association Forum
Bicycle Travel => General Discussion => Topic started by: trainfinder22 on July 10, 2004, 07:54:21 pm
lists each mission by state. I dont know how High Class you guys are but I for one am not going to turn down a free meal and a bed and a shower...Missions are great in small and meduim sized citys and sometimes better then hostels
I never even thought of given this option a look. Thanks I will check into this.
It seems that these days every town has at least one free meal site...If you starve to death in this country its ruled a suicide
Your right that every town has a free bed and meal place. However, I don't think they are intended to assist touring bicyclists avoid paying for food and shelter. They are intended to help the homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, mentally ill, etc. Their resources are usually very limited and if you use them, some more needy person can't. Sounds awfully selfish to me.
Also, do you want to spend the night in the company of the people who really need this help?
I would not turn my nose up at anything thats free.
The mission of most of these places is to share Gods Love and Hospitality to All and some of the Gosple as well. There is a Christion Bicyling Club and will post he link as as I find it. My problem with hostels is that many of them have sold out there values and have gone commercial. Most of the Missions dont mind bikers and if you feel up to it donate a few bucks or your time. Or take offer to distrbute bibles to anyone on your route.
I don't think this is such a horrible idea. Many of the so called homeless are no more deserving than a touring cyclist trying to save a few dollars. Sleeping there wouldn't neccesarily deprive anyone of anything although being in close proximity to the regulars at the mission may not be on some people's priority list.