Adventure Cycling Association Forum

Bicycle Travel => General Discussion => Topic started by: raybo on November 13, 2007, 08:19:53 pm

Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: raybo on November 13, 2007, 08:19:53 pm
I wanted to announce a new bike touring tips:

The idea behind this site is to create an indexed, on-line bike touring archive holding websites, discussion threads, touring jounals, and personal wisdom.  The archive is indexed by location and topic and can be searched by either or both.  The archive currently has over 400 entries dealing with more than 50 countries.

The archive is designed to allow anyone to enter information into it after a free registration.

To see range of archive entries go to this link (



Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: ironspoke on November 19, 2007, 10:54:13 pm
Looks interesting. Ray, is this your site??

Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: raybo on November 20, 2007, 07:58:56 pm
Yes it is.

I created it over the past few months and have managed to gather over 400 entries in the meantime.

I hope to add more features as the need arises.

I also hope to get more people adding information than just me.  It is just now starting to happen.


Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: ptaylor on November 20, 2007, 08:55:28 pm
OK Ray.

I added a post: "Coast To Coast in 93 Days". I have another article I can add, "GPS Goes Coast To Coast", but I'll hold off to see how many hits I get.

Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: raybo on November 21, 2007, 01:50:35 pm

Thanks for entering your site.

Two things.  

I changed the location you entered to be United States/Coast to Coast as I felt it described the location better.  Here the new link (

Please enter the other one, too.



This message was edited by raybo on 11-21-07 @ 6:39 PM
Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: raybo on January 07, 2008, 01:35:24 pm
As a new year's update, the archive now has over 600 entries on over 70 countries.


Visit the on-line bike touring archive at
Title: New Bike touring site
Post by: raybo on January 27, 2008, 10:21:43 pm
I don't know if anyone is interested, but I've added a feature that I really like to the site. In addition to listing the entries by date (most recent first) you can now list the entries by "popularity." That is, you can see the ones that have been read the most.

It is interesting to see what people have been looking for! The first page is dominated by entries without locations on them and by entries about equipment.

This link will take you to the page with the entries listed by popularity: .

If you have any other suggestions on what to add to the site, please let me know.


Visit the on-line bike touring archive at

This message was edited by raybo on 2-8-08 @ 7:00 PM
Title: Re: New Bike touring site
Post by: raybo on March 16, 2010, 10:16:35 am
This is an update on this site ( (

It now has over 1500 entries on 95 countries.

There is an entirely new interface and the site now has articles and touring journals.
