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Messages - Tim

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General Discussion / Re: My TA has begun
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:31:19 pm »
Kansas sucks big time!!!  Yesterday - 30 mph (gusting to 40) headwinds between Cassoday and Rosalia KS.  5mph avrage speed.  Temps in the 90's.  Getting into Eureka KS was like driving the bike into a jet turbine.  I was 10 ft from the guy riding with me and we couldn't hear shit.  SSE winds all through the state.  NOT ONE FRIGGEN TAIL WIND.  Worst part of the ride hands down.

If I have to drink hot well water and eat from a Sinclare station one more time, I think I'll....  I'll be in MO tomorrow.  Thank god.  Chanute is the only real town in KS on the TA.  Everything else is boarded up and depressed.  Fly over this miserable state before riding one foot.

note:  do not drink the water on rt 96 unless it comes from an RF tap.  The owners of the stations will tell you first. 

General Discussion / Re: My TA has begun
« on: May 11, 2012, 07:06:40 pm »
Wanted to update this group..  So far I got hit with a pretty heavy snow on Lizard Head.  Glad to have ALL of my storm gear.  Used every piece (Gortex Jacket, Arterex Pants, Synthetic jacket, Winter gloves, & Booties).  Freakin cold out of Rico CO.  The climb was pretty mild.  But once I was 5 miles from the summit all hell broke loose.

After stripping down to the skin I jumped into warm DRY gear and huddled in the NFS shack at the summit.  Waited for the storm cell to pass and then hauled ass down hill.  THANK GOD for my goretex gloves.  If you ever ride in these conditions I cannot stress how important a good set of gloves can be.  Got into Telluride and settled in.  What a great town.  Because I'm riding for wounded Marines and sailors the Brown Dog Bar treated me like a king.  Left the next morning and rode allllllllllllllll the way downhill to Ridgeway CO.    Stopped in at the True Grit cafe (Movie True Grit was filmed and settled in for the night.  Up the next morning for a casual ride to Montrose (28 miles with a grat tailwind).  Left the next day for the grind up the Ciero Pass (8,000ft).  1 word SUCKED!  Long long grade and it was hot boxing most of the way up (No wind just the wicked solar heat).  Down into Cimmarron CO and a bite to eat at this tiny cafe (Pleasant Valley) for a killer double hamburger.  Great guy at the cafe and former Marine (Tim).  Next came the sneaky grade from hell.  Climbing out of Cimmeron was a bitch.  I made it to Sapinero CO and stayed at this great Gen Store / Bar / Cabins.  Jim and Gerry are great people and put me up in...  The Love shack.  Thats the name above the door way.  No shit.

Today I got up p at 7am and took off hoping to make Sargents.  Right now I'm sitting in front of the General Store using their wireless to up load this.  Temps are expected to drop below freezing with a slight chance of snow.  Tomorrow I will wait for a weather window to attack Monarch Pass.  Suppose to be clear in the morning....  Its storming on the summit right now.  No one said it was gonna be a fair fight.  ;) 

Gotta go set up my bivy for the night.

Stay tuned, its gonna be a good one.

General Discussion / Re: Cash for cycling trips
« on: May 05, 2012, 02:24:07 pm »
I'm using VISA gift cards.  Good as cash and even accepted on the (US) Navajo Reservation.  I also usually stop at random ATMs and pull out $40.00 cash just in case.

General Discussion / Re: My TA has begun
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:46:44 pm »
Just got into Cortez.  Tomorrow is a rest day...  A much needed rest day.  After that I'll pick up the WE to Pubelo.  So yes I'll be heading to Dolores to Lizard to Rico, to Montrose and on to the big hill at Monarch Pass.  Today's heat across the 160 (Mexican Water to Teec Nos Pos to Cortez) was mean.  Like I said earlier "I have no clue how people would tour across the WE After April".  Todays temp was a searing 97 degrees - pizza oven! I'll post up pics soon.  The 4 corners was really nice.  Tail winds into Cortez. 

For anyone heading into the WE, plan your water supply points & services carefully or ride at night.

Taken just north of St George UT on Rt18

Lake Powell (Page AZ)

General Discussion / Re: My TA has begun
« on: April 26, 2012, 11:40:02 pm »
SFGary thanks buddy and will do.  But today my body came on line.  Rt93 through NV was AMAZING today.  But what a difference a day makes.

Re: SPOT.  This device is awesome!!  DO NOT! Use their Adventure Spot site.  They will be making bchanges to the site in May.  For now use their Follow me SPOT site (the one you see on my site).


As stoked as I am in this video, I think this picture says it all about the 25 mph soul crushing headwind I hit 40 miles from the Alien Inn at Rachel NV (a must visit).  Took me all day to gain Rachel.  The owner told me about bike tours that come though during the summer...  INSANE!

General Discussion / My TA has begun
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:51:24 pm »
So i started my TA ride.  166 miles so far.  Left Bridgeport MCMWTC (marine corps mountain warfare training center) 3 days ago.  Great conditions along the route.  I took the 395 south to 120 east.  Gained Benton Crossing on day 2.  Slept on Montgomery Pass and dropped down into the NV desert (sweet downhill for 30 miles).  Riding was pleasent until 10 miles out of Tonopah NV.  Spirit CRUSHING headwinds, a grade into Tonopah with day time temps 98 degees.  Folks telling me this was a record heatwave.  I collapsed and had to be taken to the ER for 3 water bags (IV).  All was good after that...  Rest day today and I'll start night riding tomorrow.

My life savers.

Watch your heat out there. 

I'm off tomorrow for another 60 and then off to Rachel (Alien country) :)

click here to follow along.

General Discussion / Re: Rain pants? Yay or Nay
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:51:28 pm »
Rather carry them and not need them; then need them and NOT have them.  Cold and wet will sap energy out of you just as fast as hot conditions. 

Westinghouse says it best.

Gear Talk / Re: Review: charging batteries with a SON hub
« on: March 16, 2012, 11:38:12 am »
Excellent write up.  THANK YOU!


I'm curious if anyone on this board has traveled this section of the country.  Looking like Cedar City to Pueblo on the WE is becoming a thorn in my side with the onset of Spring.  I'm still hoping I can take the full WE but I need to plan accordingly. 

This route goes south via Rt 18 through Enterprise and on to St George.  Take a look and I would love to hear your opionion.  I do realize services are tight along this route but thats ok cause I will be in full load mode.

General Discussion / Re: Affordable/free camping idea
« on: March 13, 2012, 11:26:11 am »
I'm a former Marine and in April I'll be riding cross country for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund (  I have been in contact with 100's of MCL (Marine Corps Leagues) and VFWs.  They all have told me that the doors are wide open.  Before you take off call ahead to various MCLs / VFWs to ask if you can bivy in their location.  Most will meet and feed you. 

Also I have been bivying out of bounds my whole life and have never paid for accomodations.  But then again I live in California and we are the BLM capital of the country.  It is a crime to charge someone $35.00 to $50.00 to sleep in the dirt.  I don't want to hear about the camp site's reasons why, but at $50.00 a night they better feed me, and read me a bed time story and then tuck me in.  If sites in NP's where lets say 5 to 10.00 that may work.  But the current rates in most NP camp sites is just highway robery. 

Its sorta like when you drive through Yosemite NP (hwy 120 entrance) and they charge you to drive through to get to the eastern side fo the Sierrra.  Its $20.00 no matter what.  I use to tell the gate bunny that I was visiting friends in Foresta.  They got savy to that and shut that excuse down.  $20.00.....  really!

Sorry for the rant but this hit close to home with me. 

Midwest / Re: US Rt 60 (Springfield to Winona MO)
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:18:06 pm »
JESUS CHRIST!!! I didn't get that far in the report.  The luck of a hardman!  I enjoyed the Target Fixation explaination.  I couldn't agree more.  What a great story about STAYING ON THE TA.  I'm hoping to stay on the WE but may have to deviate in Cedar City if weather turns foul (Northern AZ and NM  and back up to Pubelo).  Thanks John for the report.  Many good lessons.

Midwest / Re: US Rt 60 (Springfield to Winona MO)
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:17:49 am »
Ray is one bad ass!!  He is a big name in the Yosemite climbing world.  I never knew he toured.  Thats a great site.  This guy is an animal. 

Routes / Re: Riding South through Camp update please.
« on: February 21, 2012, 01:21:41 pm »

If you take a look at my site you'll see my ride starts and ends with USMC bases.  I'm a former Marine and i'm in contact with both bases PAO's (Public Affairs Officers).  Bikes are allowed on Camp Lejeune NC as well as MCMWTC in Bridgeport.  But I had to jump through a few hoops to get this ok'd.  If you are driving a car - no way in hell unless you are active duty, holder of a mil green / pink card or have a pass from a base SNCO explaining your visit. 

Google Pendelton PAOs to get the official word.  I'll look up who my contact is at Pendleton and post up if I can find.

edit - here ya go - 1st Mar Div PAO = (760)725-5011/ 5043/9386

Routes / Re: San Francisco to Vegas and onwards to WE/TA
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:34:55 pm »
Check out a recent tour I did that may shed a little light on taking a variation (hwy 108) instead of the 120 through Yosemite.

If you do go through Yosemite and Tuolomne Meadows becareful of the RV's and tiny shoulders.  Once your on the eastern side of the Sierra head south on the 395.  Be sure to stop at the hot tubs just off Benton Crossing road.  They have books you can pick up to find the exact location(s). 

My route in April will take me in that general direction.

edit - I started my ride at the Dublin Pleasentan train platform.  Its a great ride all the way to Yosemite (big shoulders and smooth pavement).

I'm sure someone with way more experience than I, may have a better line. 

General Discussion / Re: Cost - WE to TA
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:31:53 am »
consider hitting grocery stores for cheap eats.  A loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter would set you back about $3 and make a lot of sandwiches.  Lots of fat and protein in the peanut butter.  You could get a couple days out of that.  A jug of milk or juice, a couple more dollars and you could get a lot of energy out of it.  Something like that would be good when you make camp, slug it down all evening. 

Dollar menus at McD, a $5 hot 'n ready pizza at little Caesars, Taco Bell's great cheap menu, lots of choices for cheap hot food.  Keep your eye out for festivals and potlucks and crash them

THATS GOOD!  Now your thinking. I can even save weiight by getting the peanut butter & jelly that comes in the same jar.  We use to call it - sniper bites.

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