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Messages - Blue Continental

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Another oil spill has fouled this wonderful beach.
Closed until further notice:

Thanks John. Looking at the topo profile on Google Maps I can see there's quite a lift there. The lack of shoulder combined with heavy traffic is probably a greater factor in choosing to avoid the more direct routes.

I'm about to take the trip down south again and have a question regarding the directions provided on the map for section 4. The last time I went down this way and got to Oceano I couldn't figure out why the map directed riders to take a left on Los Berros road and take a roundabout detour to get back onto Cabrillo Hwy. It seemed to me at the time to be needlessly circuitous.

It seems to me that you could either go south on Halcyon road before hitting Valley Road, or just make a right at Valley and continue on Cabrillo Hwy.

Has anyone tried doing this instead?

Also, have there been any drastic or minor changes to this map since 2011? I'm wondering if I need to purchase a new one.


So two big thumbs up for the Kirk Creek h/b campground! Yes, you have to boil the water, and there are no showers, but it was the best campground location I stayed at the whole trip. I actually stopped by Limekiln Creek to see what they had to offer. The ranger there told me it was $35 for the night (no h/b), but that if I found another cyclist he'd let me split it with them. How generous. I thought of cupping my hands and hollering for another cyclist, but decided instead on continuing to Kirk Creek. Five other cyclists eventually showed up to join me at Kirk Creek, but there was plenty of room for more. I was surprised by how few cyclists I saw on my trip. At most of the h/b sites I was the only camper. At Big Basin the rangers working the counter didn't even know what a h/b site was (they had to ask their supervisor) and it looked like I was the only person who'd stayed there in a year. PS: I highly recommend going inland from PCH if you have the time. Much more pleasant riding (ie: less cars, more varied scenery, striking views). I went inland at Pescadero Creek Road and (after camping at Memorial Park) continued to climb up to Skyline Blvd via Alpine Road, which has to be one of the most beautiful stretches of riding I did the whole trip. The road is narrow, but hardly any cars travel it. The entire time I was on it, 5 cars passed me (all coming the other direction).

@aggie: thanks for the tip about warm showers at Pfeiffer Big Sur. That's one park I'm really looking forward to. I'll try and track down that book at some point also, as I'm sure I'll be doing this route often in the future.

I hit the road tomorrow am! I'll post again if I learn any more current information on these sites that may be useful to riders.

It's really hard to tell by looking at the Krebs map and poking around online whether this can be done on a touring bike, but if it is it would be a much better option than taking the road occupied by cars into the park.

Nearest I can tell from the mountain biking sites this fire road is considered technically easy, and physically somewhat challenging. I've never ridden any fire roads on my bike, but I'm a fairly good rider. I'm wondering if anyone here has ridden this route on any bike and could give me advice on whether I should attempt it.

I have really solid wheels with 35mm Schwalbe Marathons, but I'll also be loaded with front and rear panniers. If there are just a few precarious spots I figure I could get off and walk my steed for a spell, but I'd rather not be stuck walking my bike all day.

So should I take the paved road or the unpaved?

Wow, hey thanks to all! I wasn't expecting such a plethora of responses so quick. This info is great.

From the mileage it looks like an easy trip to do in a day, though I want to spread out my riding and make the most of my week off so I was trying to pick out campgrounds as equidistant as possible, even going inland if need be though it seems like there's not much there once you pass Santa Cruz.

@valygrl: thanks for the tip about the water at Kirk Creek. I'll be sure to stock up before I get there.

PS: have any of you ever run into problems with h/b sites being booked to capacity at any of the campgrounds along the coast here?

Hi all,
I'm planning a week long trip from SF to SLO and have been researching my camping options using the Pacific Coast Section 4 map and Krebs' Monterey map. I've got a fair amount of options, but there seems to be a deficit of options between Pfeiffer Big Sur and San Simeon. The one spot I came up with I found doing a Google Map search, a privately run campground on public lands called Kirk Creek Campground. My question is whether anyone has stayed at this campground (the fact that it doesn't seem to register on any bike touring radar makes me suspect), or knows of any other options midway between Pfeiffer Big Sur and San Simeon.


Try this site:

Once you've generated your route on Google Maps, click on the Send button at the top right corner of the map window. Copy the URL and paste it into the "Or provide the URL of a file on the Web" field in gpsvisualizer. That will make a GPX file for you.

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