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Messages - Ava

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Sun protective clothing
« on: July 05, 2004, 01:40:42 pm »
Yes, I recently ordered some Solumbra items and they are great. The tops are great for cycling. The pants, tho, are not that good for cycling because they aren't stretchy and aren't close fitting. I inquired with the Solumbra folks and they don't have cycling tights and had nothing to recommend. THanks for senidng the suggestion. I think you'll really like their athletic and cycling shirts. They are well made and have great ventilation.

Gear Talk / Sun protective clothing
« on: July 01, 2004, 08:58:03 pm »
I have not had any luck locating lightweight light-colored cycling tights (or lightweight tights that I can wear over my cycling shorts). When I cycle all day long in the sun in high temperatures I need better protection than sunscreen can provide. It seems like all the cycling tights I find are of a thicker fabric intended for cold weather, and they're all black (not good in the sun!). Does anyone know where to find tights that can be worn in hot weather?

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