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Messages - jeffreykellogg

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / WTB: Southern Tier & FLorida Connector Maps
« on: April 13, 2008, 11:48:53 am »
Have a set of lightly used Southern tier maps -
bought two sets - one went XC with me - the other stayed with my wife - no selling that set.


Gear Talk / cyclocross bike for long distance touring?
« on: April 13, 2008, 12:02:57 pm »
Spring 2007
southern tier
2002 jamis Nova Cross bike
fully loaded (front and rear racks with panniers and full fenders)

Had upgraded drivetrain and parts as follows as I had used the bike to race cross and parts were worn out.

Wheels - bought new pait of Mavic Aksium (great wheels)
Compact drive cranks
11-34 rear cassette with long cage rear derailleur
this gave me a 1:1 (34:34) first gear and was amost identical to the triple gearing of the Trek 520 with less confusion

Michelin 28 c tires with tread and reflective sidewall

Cadence on cyclocomputer and seperate heart rate montior - HR doesn't lie so i had to go easy.

Overall a perfect ride - great gearing   (From 34:34 to 48:11)  stable, nice, easy, fun

I would NOT use a high end cross bike - not designed for touring - but my Jamis has braze on's for full fender and racks front and rear (fork braze on's 1/2way down legs)

(Note: some of the high end super light cross bikes are really designed as one season race bikes and would not be touring capable.)

Routes / Southernn Tier December - January
« on: December 26, 2008, 10:24:06 am »
I did the ST Feb 18 - March 30 West to East in 2006

A great ride
Not to cold - one day of snow
Headwind most the Eastern part is my blog

I am inbetween jobs again and was thinking of doing a 2-3 week tour - want company on the road from Jan 15 (about) to Feb 10??


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