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Messages - jerrbeck

Pages: [1]
Hi Megan. Just saw your post. You selected a wonder area to tour in. We did it from Canada to Lake Isabella over the last two summers. If you haven't already done so, I suggest you check the journals on Crazyguyonabike published in 2010, when the route opened. Many of us made special efforts to identify possible overnights whether we used them or not. Our 2010 journal is
Unlike some of the others we had little difficulty with Hwy 89. A crummy road, yes, but we never felt in danger!
Have a great trip,

GPS & Digital Data Discussion / How to create usable routes for TA?
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:08:53 pm »
My goal is similar to Kathy's--I'm trying to use TA's downloadable GPS routes for the TransAm, with a minimal amount of editing. I downloaded them into Mapsource and created 3 sets of routes to fit within the limits of my Garmin GPS60CSx. City Navigator is loaded on the memory chip.
The problem is when I recalculate the route either in Mapsource or on the GPS unit, the length of the route doubles or even triples in length. This is in spite of my routing setting for bicycle, no toll roads, etc. In Mapsource, there is no selection for "no Highways", but I selected "Prefer Minor Roads." I know that one of the causes is to avoid bike paths, but what else is going on?
How can I create routes with directions that more faithfully follow the AC route without laboriously comparing the GPS mappoints turn by turn with the AC paper maps?
I believe I'm following the procedures provided by Paul Taylor and Alex Carr. Thanks.


I have traveled with my bike on the Empire Builder as well as the Coast Starlight. These trains require you to box your bike which is easy to do in the boxes they furnish or your own. You can box it and seal it ahead of time. Additional luggage I have transported by putting it in a large cardboard box, duffle bag, or drawstring sack and checking it as baggage or carrying it on board. Sometimes I strap the panniers together. Containers like a duffle can be mailed home or to your destination for use on the return trip. The passenger cars have luggage racks near the exits as well as above and below the seats. You may be able to check your BOB unboxed.
As indicated, only certain staffed stations can take baggage on or off, so be sure to check.
Have a great trip!


General Discussion / pacific coast ride
« on: November 19, 2004, 11:38:34 pm »
I followed the route suggested by the book "Bicycling the Pacific Coast", supplemented by ACA maps, on my ride during the summer of 2002.  In addition to providing routes and possible places to stay, the book is chock-full of tips on interesting places to visit and things to see.

Jerry Beckett

General Discussion / Adventure Cycling Excursion experiences?
« on: November 06, 2004, 12:06:55 am »
Yes, has anyone ridden these?  My girlfriend and I are considering trying one out as a "test" for doing the Lewis and Clark Trail with AC. and would be interested in other's experiences.  We did Cycle Utah, a supported tour, with AC last year and enjoyed it tremendously!

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