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Messages - Backroads

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / Jobs as Active Travel Trip Leaders
« on: January 16, 2006, 07:29:07 pm »
Hello all,
Backroads, the world's #1 active travel company, is seeking Trip Leaders for our award-winning biking, hiking, & multisport vacations in the U.S. and worldwide. Our leaders enrich each trip with their zest for life and provide top-notch customer service for each guest, while traveling the world and working outdoors. Multilingual and well-traveled applicants are encouraged. Visit to find out more & for the application form.

Thanks for reading!

Classifieds / Backroads Trip Leader Positions
« on: January 14, 2005, 11:53:56 pm »
Backroads, the world's #1 active travel company, has just begun acccepting applications for Trip Leaders for our award-winning biking, hiking, & multisport vacations in the U.S. and worldwide. Our leaders enrich each trip with their zest for life and provide top-notch customer service for each guest, while traveling the world and working outdoors. Multilingual are applicants encouraged. As of January 1st, we are reviewing applications and we will be contacting applicants shortly. For more information about the job and an application please visit us at
Thank you for reading!

Classifieds / Active Travel Trip Leader Jon
« on: December 03, 2004, 11:05:09 pm »
Backroads, the world's #1 active travel company, is seeking Trip Leaders for our award-winning biking, hiking, & multisport vacations in the U.S. and worldwide. (Hopefully this will be appealing to and a good fit for users of the Adventure Cycling Association board.) Our leaders enrich each trip with their zest for life and provide top-notch customer service for each guest, while traveling the world and working outdoors. Multilingual applicants encouraged.
Thank you!

This message was edited by Backroads on 12-3-04 @ 7:06 PM

Pages: [1]