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Messages - PAdkins

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Route planning web sites
« on: August 20, 2004, 09:30:05 pm »
Have you checked out Ken Kifer's Site?

The site is all written by Ken himself. The site's got all kinds of practical advice and personal experience with a very simple philosophy.

Did you check out the Cyclists' Yellow Pages.
It has a browsable and searchable database of all kinds of planning links.

Then finally see the How To Department here.

Paul Adkins
Adventure Cycling Association

General Discussion / Bicycle Security
« on: August 09, 2004, 03:42:26 pm »
I don't usually carry a lock these days. I keep a close eye on it all the time though. I used to be a messenger in San Fran and I locked it all the time there. But on a big trip, especially out in the boonies, I do not feel like I'm likely to have anyone take my bike. I guess that could be partly because I've never had one stolen, but on the other hand, even with not locking my bike everywhere, I haven't got my bike stolen.
My advise is to carry a very light weight lock when touring, use it in the bigger towns and surely in the big cities, but even then, don't take your eyes off of it.

Paul Adkins

General Discussion / What really is Adventure?
« on: June 10, 2004, 08:53:58 pm »
Everyone has a different view on what adventure is. Whether you are a desk jockey on a first-time ride to the grocery store to carry back your weekly staples or a world traveler who gets the bug to bike Siberia in the winter, you understand the idea of the unknown. The unknown is what adventure is all about. Adventure is not knowing what will come up next. Preparing for adventure is difficult. How can you know what to bring for the unknown? Every adventure seems to inspire another. You just keep building on what you learned the last time. Some steps are bigger than others.

What do you forum members think? What makes adventure so darn fun? Does adventure always involve risk? Does adventure imply danger? Does adventure mean going beyond your comfort zone? Is it a spiritual experience? Let's explore what adventure means to people from around the globe and from all walks of life.

Paul Adkins
Adventure Cycling Association

This message was edited by Webmaster on 6-16-04 @ 3:11 PM

General Discussion / San Fran to Virginia?
« on: April 16, 2004, 06:05:44 pm »
That is going to be about 90 miles per day with one day off a week. Do you plan on camping? Cooking? When I was a kid, my brother, a friend and I rode most of that route average more than 100 miles per day, but we were kids. We camped and ate at grocery stores and restaurants. I think it is very possible, but the average touring cyclist doesn't try to ride that far daily. More like 50-60 miles/day.

Are you following the TransAm and Western Express route?

Paul Adkins
Adventure Cycling Association

General Discussion / loaded touring weight
« on: March 22, 2004, 01:46:44 pm »
I've done several long hauls and I like to travel a bit lighter. My bike, racks, and panniers totals 25-30 lbs. With gear it comes up close to 50 lbs, maybe 55 on the fullest days. When I tour off-road I like to carry even less, closer to 40 lbs total, thats 25 lbs for the bike and rear rack, 15 lbs for gear and food.

I work here at Adventure Cycling, we see several riders that are really loaded down. I'd bet some of them are closer to 100 lbs loaded. We are planning to install a scale here at HQ this summer and test some of the bikes that come through. It should be quite interesting to see some results.  I'll keep you posted on this.  :)

Paul Adkins
Adventure Cycling Association

General Discussion / bike lane
« on: March 02, 2004, 02:33:48 pm »
This would probably be best addresses by the Bicycling Advocacy Group at Yahoo.

Or you could go straight to your State Bicycle Coordinator.

Paul Adkins
Adventure Cycling Association

General Discussion / Forum OK!
« on: October 01, 2003, 04:41:21 pm »
What do you think about our new forum set-up?

Pages: [1]