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Messages - perkinsovich

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Any suggestions on which bike is best for ....
« on: October 15, 2003, 05:50:49 pm »
I have a Rans V-Rex, but I bought a Trek 5200 because the 'bent couldn't seem to climb hills very well.  I know - don't blame the bike, blame the motor!  But the 5200 seems to climb just fine with the same motor.  What's your experience?

And, do you use your 'bent for touring?  If so, do you carry panniers, and if so, care to say what kind?


randy perkins
northfield mn

This message was edited by Webmaster on 10-27-03 @ 1:00 PM

General Discussion / looking for advice
« on: October 22, 2003, 01:05:22 pm »
I've not been in your area, but I do know that there's an Adventure Cycling map showing the route from Richmond down through the outer banks of North Carolina, as well as an inland route.  

Best of luck on your trip.

randy perkins
northfield mn

Pages: [1]