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Messages - peterbro@hotmai

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Replacement wheels for my bike: which do I choose?
« on: February 08, 2007, 11:11:31 pm »
Thanks for the insight.  A LBS told me that I should replace the wheel after the third spoke breaks.  That may be a good rule of thumb or just a poor sales pitch to buy a new wheel, but I will look into rebuilding what I have.

I should note, that I don't have a very high quality wheel to start out on, hence the reason for buying a new wheel or wheelset.

Thanks again.

Gear Talk / Replacement wheels for my bike: which do I choose?
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:23:56 pm »
I've broken my third spoke on my stock no-name wheels that came with my Jamis Satelitte.  Anyone have any suggestions on a good all 'round wheel?

I will be using this steel frame bike for touring in the future, but don't want a heavy "monster" wheel to weigh me down on my training rides.

I've looked into Shimano, Mavic and Alex, and have thought that the Alex DH19 with the Deore hubs would be nice at just $65.  I don't want any superlight wheels which would break under loaded touring either.
  Any suggestions?

Gear Talk / Lower Gearing on Road Bike is presently Problems w
« on: September 21, 2006, 01:36:38 pm »
Check out Old Man Mountain racks on the web.  They do specialty racks for situations like these>

Gear Talk / interesting experience bike shopping
« on: October 03, 2006, 02:38:40 am »
I checked out the Surly Crosscheck and Jamis Aurora.   Settled on  a different option: the Jamis Satelitte.

It is not a touring bike and has caliper brakes, but I wanted a communter bike that didn't weigh 27 pounds! I can still put 28c tires on it.  I had the bike shop swap out the road bike cassette and put on a 11-30 tooth rear cassette and Deore mountain bike rear D.  This helps on those hills.  Both the REI Randonee and the Jamis Aurora are quite "portly" in this measurement.  I can tow a trailer on the Satelitte (steel frame) and it has rear mounts for fender or rack.  It seems that there are many options to buy racks that can accomodate fenders into them and would seem to be a non-issue.

Good luck!

Gear Talk / Why can't I use a carbon fiber bike with a trailer
« on: February 07, 2006, 01:41:06 pm »
Please keep your comments regarding my question pertaining to the carbon frame, not the rims, etc..  If you wish to discuss rims and other "metal fatigue" issues please open a separate topic.  We are getting off the subject here, thank you.

Gear Talk / Why can't I use a carbon fiber bike with a trailer
« on: February 06, 2006, 09:19:20 pm »
Thanks for the comments.

Gear Talk / Why can't I use a carbon fiber bike with a trailer
« on: February 02, 2006, 12:25:28 am »
Post script:  I guess if it were a pure racing bike it wouldn't have a triple crank....but hey, I got it for a good price!

Gear Talk / Why can't I use a carbon fiber bike with a trailer
« on: February 02, 2006, 12:20:51 am »
My only triple crank bike is a Scott CR1 carbon fiber frame bike.  My guess is that the dropouts (which are mysteriously attached to the frame somehow) won't be able to handle the load and stress of a trailer.  Is that right?  There are no mounts for racks at all...pure racing bike.  What to do???

General Discussion / Which bike to buy?
« on: September 21, 2006, 01:26:04 pm »
Thanks Cyclesafe,

I bought a Jamis Satellite, around 22 pounds; it will allow me to do some club rides too.  At $600, it won't make me cry if it gets stolen here in the city.  It only has a Sora gruppo, so I hope this will get me through some tours.  Someday, I may change the shifters to Campy Veloce if they break, or go with bar-end shifters for the ultimate security.

I decided to wait on getting a more expensive bike like the Co-Motion until I try touring and will wait to see if I get hooked!

For the off-road adventures, I may get a Surly Cross-Check frame and build it up with a triple.

Thanks again.

General Discussion / Which bike to buy?
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:34:30 am »
I currently don't have any bikes at all (both were stolen two weeks ago) from my secure garage.  I am thinking of getting in to touring, but don't want to buy a 27+ pound monster as my only ride.  

I am thinking of getting a steel frame (like the "real feel" or steel) bike for tours of up to 5-6 days, i.e. a Jamis or Bianchi with braze-ons or just tow a BOB trailer.  I could use this bike for commuting or my day club rides.  These bikes won't be able to carry more than 28c tires due to the road bike caliper side pivot brakes.

Any ideas?

General Discussion / Which bike to buy?
« on: September 19, 2006, 01:34:22 am »
I currently don't have any bikes at all (both were stolen two weeks ago) from my secure garage.  I am thinking of getting in to touring, but don't want to buy a 27+ pound monster as my only ride.  

I am thinking of getting a steel frame (like the "real feel" or steel) bike for tours of up to 5-6 days, i.e. a Jamis or Bianchi with braze-ons or just tow a BOB trailer.  I could use this bike for commuting or my day club rides.  These bikes won't be able to carry more than 28c tires due to the road bike caliper side pivot brakes.

Any ideas?

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