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Messages - hondated

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Re: How many touring bicycles?
« on: September 23, 2018, 12:27:46 pm »
"Cant have too many bikes " totally agree with that. I have a Roberts Tourer, an Audux fitted with Butterfly bars, a Ridgeback mountain bike to ride to the shops again with butterfly bars fitted, a Bianchi Aluminium for faster rides. Again for faster rides I have CF Trek Madone, a CF Orbea Onyx, a CF Dolan and finally a Specialised 26" wheel mountain bike.

But wait for it I would like to get a full suspension mountain bike, maybe electric or a Titanium bike. So as you said you just cannot have enough bikes can you.
Over here in the UK used bikes have very little monetary value  :'( so its best to keep them to use when you fancy to.

Just hope that when I am gone my wife doesn't value each one on the price I told her as she will be losing a lot of money. ;)

General Discussion / Re: USA Coast to Coast
« on: June 27, 2015, 01:57:59 pm »
Thanks John a lot of great information there that I will pass on. Ted

General Discussion / USA Coast to Coast
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:02:57 pm »
Hi everyone this week I met a couple over here in the Uk that intends to cycle this route to raise money for a charity in 2016 so I was wondering given its almost 3000 miles how long this would this take.
They have cycled many of the big climbs in Europe but have not actually began any sort of training to achieve this yet.

Would you say 50 miles a day was reasonable with days added in to rest. Do you think that they could complete it in 12 weeks or less.

To raise their profile in the States and hopefully acquire funding would it be worth them contacting television and radio stations to publicise what they intend to do or are the States awash with cyclists trying to raise money for charities.

General Discussion / Re: Motorbike riders out there?
« on: March 22, 2011, 05:32:12 pm »
Hi everyone sitting here in UK browsing the net and I found this great sit and in particular this thread.I ride a Honda Blackbird its the fifth one I have owned so I love them but somehow now have a desire to buy a BMW GS. Only problem is I have not got the money to go with the desire so it will have to wait.
Anyway to the point can someone tell me how long it would take to cycle from JFK to Laconia for Bike week and whether there are camp  sites on the way. Can you also tell me whether the route I need to take is cycle friendly as well.
It would be an opportunity to enjoy both of my hobbies.

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