« on: July 12, 2011, 10:59:05 pm »
Hello fellow cyclists. i am planning a trip from New Brunswick,Canada to U.S., possibly Mexico. I use a Yakima trailer now, similiar to the Bob trailer. With those unfamiliar with these cargo trailers, this particular single wheeled trailer carries 60lbs with no issues, designed for 70lbs. trailer weights 17lbs and attaches to your wheel and not your frame. My hardest choice is bringing my 20lbs dog Jerry, or leaving him behind. Ive thought about building a platform that wouldd fit on top of my load, but afraid it would be too top heavy. i thought about a front basket. then the question is should the bike be rigid forks or not. i have both. a trek 8500,(fox fork 80mm), or my old Greg Herbold Miyata elevation 4000,with rigid fork. both are built light and right,mavic crossmax xl wheels, xtr crank etc...and ill use knobbies(1.75) or road worthy 1.2's, but bringing both... another worry i have is that my miyata was built in 91 using no welds on any tubes on the bike, they opted for a adhesive method. although the bike withstood my maniacal driving back in the day and a regular road ripping training bike session over the years, the frame construction scares me as i think of a gross trailer weight of 80lbs maybe and a few racks for maps,bars, rain gear etc. the choice im leaning for is the trek but i sure do like that road bike efficientcy of the miyata. id like to do a stretch on dirt roads so the fox fork would be nice on the 03 trek 8500. another option for carrying my dog would be a side basket or one behind me, attached to a rack. would that be too much vibration for Jerry, or make the bike harder to stear as he moves from time to time, you know. Or what about a train of trailers? i thought about a stiff bar connecting the two, avoiding that the rear trailer tries passing the lead trailer. should i avoid a single wheel trailer as he shifts his weight? i'm stuck as to what to do ...any suggestions or experiences out there for me to benefit from? any ideas also on the maximum weight a rider can carry day after day?? i can haul my single wheeled 60lbs trailer all day now but is it realistic to add, lets say another 7o distributed from front of bike to back of single or double trailer, or trailer and racks only....thank you so much for reading this and please forgive errors as i am schooled in french