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Messages - Bicycle Rider

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General Discussion / R.I.P. June Curry (A.K.A. "The Cookie Lady)
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:43:27 pm »
I heard that June Curry, the long standing "Trail Angel" of the Trans Am route (ever since it's beginning, in fact) has passed away. This is certainly not by any definition 'new' news, as it happened last July 16th (

Yet for some reason there is no mention of it on any of the forums that I have found, nor in the addenda for that section of the route. So I decided to start this thread in memory of her, and for anyone to ask questions about her or what effects her passing will have on that part of the route.

I never got a chance to meet her, I was in fact on the Trans-Am trail at the time, crossing the country and looking forward to meeting her when I got there when she passed. I was in Kansas at the time ( ).

Somehow, thinking I will have to say I did the TransAmerica route without being able to see her takes a rather significant piece out of the accomplishment.

General Discussion / Re: Choice of bike
« on: January 09, 2012, 01:29:24 pm »
How about used? You can get a lot more for a lot less that way. Check out

General Discussion / Re: Never want a flat again?
« on: January 09, 2012, 01:28:03 pm »
Needs a bumper sticker:

Honk, If you dare!

Routes / Re: Addendums
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:36:18 pm »
Just before you leave on your trip go to the following link and you will be able to print the most current addenda for your maps. We update addenda every month, though it is possible that not every map's addendum will have changed. If you look at the addenda you received you will see a date in parentheses (for example, Oct 2011) for each map panel entry. If your copy shows (Aug 2011) and the one online is (Oct 2011) that means it has been updated. That's the way you can tell if an entry has been added since you received your maps a few months ago.

If you don't have access to a computer you can call us and we will mail you the current addenda for your maps.

That part I understand (thanks), but what about the corrections on the addendums I presently have? Will the "new" addendums include any pertinent updates to them?

Routes / Addendums
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:22:16 am »
I recieved a bunch of maps and the addendums for them a few months ago. However, I won't be using them untill at least May of next year, so I'm wondering about the addendums. I'll try and ask this in a way everyone can understand (it has me confused, anyway)...

If I were to order more up to date addendums in the future, will they include the corrections listed on the addendums I have? How will they relate to the maps and addendums I have now? Is any of this any clearer to you than it looks to me (I hope)? ??? ???

General Discussion / Addendums
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:51:32 pm »
I have all the maps I will need for my upcoming TA trip, and the addendums for them. However, I won't start using those maps until almost June of next year, and I am wondering about the addendums. How long are the changes valid? Do I have to keep checking until I need them and constantly update the maps? Or do I only need the mosrt recent addendum (meaning I can throw the old ones away)?

Routes / Re: Western Express - Nevada & Utah
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:38:37 pm »
Although not related to the remote sections, we found the stretch between the base of the Sierras and Placerville to be unacceptable for touring: Way, WAY too much traffic, steep, slow hills, poor sight lines, etc.  I haven't got it mapped out, but on one trip over the Sierras we stayed on 88 a bit past Mormon Immigrant Trail (snowed in) and dropped down to Fiddle Town via, I think, Shake Ridge Rd.  You should be able to find it on Google maps.  Do some research, and you'll find a very nice alternate leading south out of Folsom and then up into the mountains.  We did it heading west.  This alternate is MUCH better.  For what it's worth, others have complained about this section of the Western Express, too.


I won't even be using the portion you mentioned, I will be accessing it via the Sierra Cascades route through Yosemite/Mono Lake to where it connects to the W.E. and heading east from there. Unfortunately, time constraints dictate that i will likely reach that point around the beginning of June. :-\

Routes / Re: Western Express - Nevada & Utah
« on: September 06, 2011, 06:39:35 pm »
(Nobody in the A.C.A. forums has done this A.C.A. route? :-[)

While I have done many ACA routes, I have not done this one.  You will find that many more touring cyclists use CrazyGuy.  It seems that people new to touring come here first and then migrate to CrazyGuy for some reason.[/quote]

I think you just answered your own question. ;D

General Discussion / Re: What about your Bike??????
« on: September 02, 2011, 09:09:11 pm »
I lock the bike to the bench, a tree, post that the garbage can is locked to or whatever other immovable object may be available. if not, then I lace the lock and bike through the tent or fly lines in such a way that it would be near impossible to tamper with it without seriously jostling the tent itself (I'm a light sleeper). The panniers I keep inside the tent, which protects my gear from weather as well. One reason I prefer packs to trailers. If I'm staying in a motel then obviously everything comes in with me. I have never encountered any trouble from the management with doing this.

To the poster that mentioned making tents big enough to bring the whole bike inside, May I suggest a tent such as a 4 man timberline? That is about the smallest such tent that will let you accomplish this. if you want to carry that much, go for it. A company by the name of early winters once made a Bivy that actually used the bikes wheels instead of tent poles to give it shape. Unfortunately both it and they are history.

Edited fer speeling

Routes / Re: Western Express - Nevada & Utah
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:26:49 pm »
That is excellent, thank you guys (and gals, if applicable, it's kinda hard to tell with screen names). Yeah, I am currently looking for a larger set of panniers than what I have now, preferably ones which have pockets well designed/situated for carrying extra water jugs. I plan to be hitting this section in the beginning of June, so if climatological changes don't go to rampant by then hopefully it won't be too hot. And yes, I've read about the wild weather swings on some of the journals, and I have ridden mountains/high desert before, many times. ;D

Routes / Re: Western Express - Nevada & Utah
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:22:09 pm »
Thanks, I will certainly check it out! :)
(Nobody in the A.C.A. forums has done this A.C.A. route? :-[)

Routes / Re: Pac Coast: CA Park Closures Slated for later 2011
« on: August 31, 2011, 04:19:21 pm »
Great idea for a state that relies heavily on tourist dollars.  ::)

Routes / Western Express - Nevada & Utah
« on: August 31, 2011, 04:05:42 pm »
I haven't exactly gotten an overabundance of help with my other queries, but since this is about an actual A.C.A. route, maybe I'll get lucky this time. :)

My question is about the Western Express Route (west to east) particularly the regions listed above which are described by the map pages in the A.C.A. web site as very remote, with few if any resources. Is it even possible to do this route on a self contained (no sag) tour? Has anyone done it? What recommendations do you have, aside from extra water and/or a water filter?

I'm not really looking forward to attempting a fully packed tour de force series of 100+ mile days (40-60 would be more my style).

Routes / Re: Crossing Mississippi (East to west)
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:17:21 pm »
I downloaded the bicycle map. All I see are a few very short north/south routes on it, unless I'm missing something?

EDIT: There is no U.S. 90 in Miss, only a U.S. 98, and it's too far south. So I am assuming you mean State 90? My map program only shows state route at a magnification of 10 or higher, and I tried scanning through the state north to south, but no 90s appeared on my screen. Can you tell me of a town or city it passes through so I don't have to scour the whole state? Thanks

Gear Talk / Re: Your Portable Repair Kit - What's Inside?!
« on: August 26, 2011, 02:32:25 pm »
BicycleRider, I like some of the old stuff too, but be aware that Shimano's hubs all still use cup-and-cone bearings because these last pretty much indefinitely if they're adjusted right, meaning there's some play in them when they're out of the bike, just enough that it just barely disappears when you squeeze the skewer down tight.  With rubber seals just inside the dust caps, they keep the dirt out a lot better than the older type also.

Modern external-bearing bottom brackets last far longer than the old loose-bearing ones we had decades ago.  (That's not true of the internal-bearing ones though, especially the Isis type.)  I have 26,000 miles on my GXP external-bearing BB and it acts and feels like brand new, in spite of a lot of climbing.  You mention the "cog set" though.  If you mean a cassette, that goes with a freehub body, so you better have the tools to remove and replace that too, because they do go out.  For Shimano, it just takes a 10mm allan wrench.  If you mean a freewheel, make sure you add the appropriate freewheel remover to your list of tools.

As long as you can at least open them up to inspect them before you leave, and change them if you think there's a possibility they may fail during your journey. "No maintenance required" is fine if you're a day rider and don't have to worry about whether there is a bicycle shop within a few hundred miles.

Most of my ball bearing components have well over 40,000 miles on them. The oldest is the Maillard "Atom" ("Schwinn Approved") front hub, with 80,000 miles on it's shell and cups. The cones and balls have been replaced about three during it's lifetime. All my bearings get cleaned, regreased (waterproof boat trailer wheel bearing grease, no less!) and adjusted at least every 2,500 miles, or whenever I think it might be necessary. I'm not afraid to get my hands a little dirty if it means keeping my machine running at it's best! ;D

And yeah, I meant cassette. Although mine consists of loose spacers and cogs, not a permanet prefabbed construct. All of which were hand picked by me to achieve the exact gearing pattern/spacing I wanted. My entire bike is designed like that; to suit my needs, strengths, type of riding etc. exactly. or as close as possible (yeah, I know A.R. ::) Guilty as charged and proud of it! ;D )

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