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Messages - PastorMel

Pages: [1]
Routes / 200 Mile Ride in one day
« on: August 04, 2010, 04:27:27 pm »
I am doing something entitled "A day of SIGNIFICANCE" raising awareness for those affected bythe Gulf Oil Disaster on October 1st. I am going to challnge people to do something SIGNIFICANT financially to help those serving those devastated by this disaster.

My goal is to ride for Gulf Shores, AL to New Orleans LA in one day. Any suggestions on a route?

Routes / Atlanta to New Orleans
« on: January 09, 2009, 09:58:40 pm »
I am riding from Atlanta to New Orelans in February. I will ride the 1st 100 miles on the Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga Trails to Anniston Alabama. I am looking for the best route from Anniston AL to New Orleans. Any suggestions?

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