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Messages - bar_end_shift

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / FS: Car drop in Arctic, early summer 2010
« on: March 10, 2010, 03:44:15 pm »
My partner in crime and I are planning on doing an arctic - tierra del fuego bike trip starting in early june this year.  Leaning on starting in Inuvik, but potentially Deadhorse - to be decided quite soon. 

We want to drive our car up to the starting point and sell it/give it away to some kind soul who needs it. 

Anyone heading towards the Arctic that might be able to benefit from a car up there?  it's a 1991 Volvo 240 wagon.  356k.  I've got faith (that the car will make it up and back to the continental US - no problems ever)!  We could leave the keys at a Cafe.

Pretty much thinking about the best offer takes it.

It's expensive getting up to or back from the arctic with all your gear, so this could be a sweet deal.

shoot me an email:


wondering the same thing.

here's a link from an EXCELLENT blog on the arctic to TDF experience.

happy planning

General Discussion / Re: Brooks saddle damage
« on: April 02, 2009, 02:56:36 pm »
same thing happened to me on my B17 in my pre-fender life.  In the driftless region, in fact.  In the middle of the night.     

It was pretty saggy looking with deep impressions under the sit bones and I thought it was shot.  when I pushed on the top, I noticed that the sides flared a lot.  so I took it to a cobbler and punched some holes in the side skirt ($2) and laced the sides together with a shoestring.  that improved the situation alot, but i could still feel the back part of the frame when I was sitting.   So, I put a couple of turns of the tensioning bolt until the seat was pretty stiff, and I was in business.  I've put another 2k or so on the saddle since then, and have had to retension the bolt one other time, but I expect to get a lot of miles on it yet.  good luck.

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