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Messages - LoganSmith

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Bicycle tourism route mapping advice and examples?
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:34:52 pm »
Thanks Jennifer and canalligators for the helpful links and info. :) I'll check them out.

General Discussion / Re: Bicycle tourism route mapping advice and examples?
« on: December 19, 2012, 02:44:37 pm »
Looks like AASHTO just published their new (4th ed.) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities today! Yay! We'll have to scour this guide for info on the questions above!  :D

General Discussion / Bicycle tourism route mapping advice and examples?
« on: December 19, 2012, 01:21:31 pm »
Hello all!

My name is Logan Smith and I'm a volunteer with a new nonprofit bicycle tourism organization in Siskiyou County California called "The Economic Growth Group". We are currently busy building a website (Cycle Siskiyou), educating local businesses about the ACA Sierra-Cascade route through our area, and creating a comprehensive road map foundation to build cycling routes. We are building cycling routes that will be similar to the idea behind the Oregon scenic bikeway list ( We are fortunate to have the services of some mapping professionals and we are currently stitching together road information from cities, the county, and even the US Forest Service using an ArcGIS data format. One challenge we are facing is that these road maps have no bicycle accessibility information and we are trying to find a way to code this into the ArcGIS database. Some standards are clear in all cycling maps such as designations for bike paths, lanes, sharrows/preferred routes, and danger zones but others standards are unclear. For example, we are having difficultly finding a standard designating "travel width" to give riders an idea of how much "road shoulder" to expect and to address concerns regarding potential liability in this designation. Here are the questions we need help with (all ideas welcome!):

  • Do you know of any standard travel width designations for cycling routes or examples we could refer to?
  • Does anyone know of liability hazards and solutions regarding the safety of designating cycling routes?
  • The map we are building combines road information of disparate government entities and is the first of its kind in this area, does anyone have ideas regarding how we could get value from this map beyond creating road and mountain cycling routes for tourists?

Thank you for your help with ideas! This is an exciting but overwhelming project and I'm glad we have this community forum! :^)

Logan Smith
Montague, CA

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