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Messages - howardashworth

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / book for sale "Alcatraz to Liberty" solo trip west to east
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:20:39 pm »
Following a fantastic solo trip across the US a number of years ago, I wrote a book for charity which is now available for Kindle via Amazon. I used the Adventure Cycling maps for a big section of the ride, excellent detail, invaluable!

Howard Ashworth
Stirling, Scotland

Classifieds / FS: Coast to coast across America - book for sale
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:06:29 pm »
Following an unforgettable trip across your wonderful country in summer 2006, I recently published a book Alcatraz To Liberty tracking my ride from San Francisco to New York City.

Proceeds are going to a charity set up by friends of mine here in Scotland which supports a humanitarian project in Mozambique.

Available for Kindle on Amazon:

Thanks for your support!

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