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Messages - pjlingley

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Sierra Nevada Pass Options
« on: April 08, 2009, 11:41:12 pm »
Thank you. Very cool websites.  Getting across the Nevada desert and then through the Sierras has been my only concern thus far.  As for the early 'access', that could not get any better!!  I'll have to align my kharma now and hope for the best.  How are the roads and traffic across Carson or Echo?   

As for the late snowfall, I am just expecting to get hit with a classic spring dump.  But it beats the baking I'd endure crossing the desert to get there.  Oh well, thats the fun part.   

Ride Lots!!

Routes / Sierra Nevada Pass Options
« on: April 08, 2009, 02:16:15 pm »
Hello All,
I am looking for information in regards to crossing the Sierras from East to West around the end of May 2009.  I have driven a few of the main routes, and am looking forward to riding Tioga from Lee Vining into Yosemite and then North.  In preparation, I am trying to establish a few alternative routes to account for snow closure, etc.  I am aware of Sonora Pass, 108 I think, but that it is it until the Interstate through Tahoe.  I plan on camping most of the way and am using a road bike and trailer.  I don't mind a steep, long climb, but would like to avoid the Interstate. 
Ride Lots!!

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