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Messages - wherestheriver

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Lewis and Clark Route - Hwy 12 Lolo Pass Section
« on: May 26, 2013, 02:55:35 pm »
i rode that section last summer. the Kimiah to Lewiston section does have limited shoulder, and i had the same quiestion last year...others had noted the common alternate path (your refered too) is nice for scenery, a bit hilly, and a good camp spot at Wichester lake sp., it does add extra miles ?? and hills. Here is what and how it worked out.....  I left Kamiah city park camp spot (free) at the crack fo dawn on a sunday morning ( 5:15 am or so).... had a light tail wind along the river... and averaged 20 mph all the way to Lewiston, because wanted to beat the traffic, i actually made a game out of how many cars would pass me in the first few miles... well trafiic was light  until the highay section at the end ( this had a big shoulder)...i think 4 or 5 cars passed me (going my way toward Lewiston) in the first seven miles. Would i take this route in high traffic ... no... i would choose the alternate... but under the right conditions ( tailwind, limited cars, good wheather ) it is very nice. the rest of the way over lolo is basically brilliant... ditto on recent campground replys.... the one next to Lochsa lodge (powell) is nice... beer and a meal at Lochsa Lodge is a nice treat.

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