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Messages - reelal

Pages: [1]
I recently had a conversation with a lead planner at MnDOT. She is currently in the process of completely revamping the Minnesota bike plan. She mentioned that much of the current information is incomplete. They are including Adventure Cycling Routes and US Bicycle Route Corridors in the new plan, and I do believe that updated maps are in the works. Hopefully the new maps will address several of the problems you have listed in your post.

Routes / Re: USBRS #37
« on: July 12, 2013, 12:54:53 pm »
Hi Tony,

The Michigan DOT just released their new USBRS webpage. Here is the link:,4616,7-151-9615_11223_65460---,00.html. The site includes awesome maps and turn-by-turn directions.

Hope you have a great trip!!!



Great Lakes / Re: Touring within Ohio, State Park campground policy
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:13:48 pm »
Hi Randomguyonabike,

I think you are definitely on the right track with turning in a proposal to the DNR. I would suggest getting in touch with the folks at Five Rivers Metro Parks. They can help you direct your proposal to the appropriate departments.

Kind Regards,

Adam Reel
Travel Initiatives
Adventure Cycling Association

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