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Messages - bikeparts

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Getting to Astoria?
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:57:38 am »
Send your Bikes to a Bike Shop in Astoria.Fly to Portland or Take the Train.Then take a Bus from Portland to Astoria and pick up your Bike.Good luck on your Trip and Be Safe.......................

Routes / Re: riding east/south/west/north routes
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:47:31 am »
I have done TranAm, Northern Tier and part of Eastern US.There is so much beauty in all parts of US and doing it on a Bike is simply Great .Meeting Great People on the Road, keeping your Heart going,taking a bath in Hot Springs.Seeing Antelope,Armindilo,snakes,Deer,Moose,and then there is an odd Dog chaseing you.Then you have the senery BlueRidge Mountains,Grand Titons,Yellowstone,Cascades,Bar Harbor, and this is only a Few of the Beautifull Places that I have seen.  ACA does have the maps for you to see all these places and I am Glad  that a Special Person got me started in Cycling.Some People Dream other People DO.Good luck in Your indevers................................

Routes / Re: I'm looking for a route . . .
« on: March 01, 2009, 10:30:11 am »
I did the TransAM and I must say that if your going East to West you should get yourslf in shape.The Applachians Mts were the toughtest part of the TA,Very steep.Ride to work if you can.Ride to a park on the weekend which is about 60 to 80 miles away Camp and Ride back on Sunday with all you Equipment.That will let you know what kind of shape you are in.Hooser or McKensee  Passes have Grades,but not that steep and by the time you get out there you should be in Pretty Good Shape.Good Riding and be Safe..........

Gear Talk / Re: I need advice on a bike (and yes I am a newbie)
« on: February 26, 2009, 09:53:25 am »
           I am a newbie to this Forum also and Welcome.Like other have said on this Forum there are a number of solid Touring Bikes. Cannadale T1,T2,Treck,520 and Shurley.I have used Cannadale T2,its about $1,300 New.I have crossed the US twice and Never had any problems with it.There are people who are selling them second hand and you might find one,that could save you a couple of $.Hope you find what your looking for.Good Luck

General Discussion / Re: April too early? (Westbound TA)
« on: February 20, 2009, 03:28:59 pm »
Did the TA in 2004 , had a drenching in Kentuckey,but that was about it.We started on 2 May, E to W.McKennse Pass, Hover Pass was all right,but watch out for the Razor Backs, need GOOD Brakes. Good Luck and B Safe......................

Routes / Southern Tier............
« on: February 14, 2009, 12:34:23 pm »
I might be taking the Southern Tier Trip this yr from East to West.My ? is, what is the Weather like from April to July? Is there enough places to get Water and food along the way?How is the Camping?Etc Thanks for your Feedback....................

General Discussion / Re: panniers and a trailer
« on: February 14, 2009, 10:09:53 am »
         I cannot coment on your Burley Nomad.I have a Cannadale T800 which I used on TranAm.I used axiom Racks on the Front and Arkel Panners,plus Bob trailer.I had to cut a piece of the rear racks to get the Bob on.It was quite easy and I had no Problems.Arkel panners have rain covers and I kept them on for most of my Trip.Safety Precausion,and they are Yellow.Good Luck on your Trip and be safe................

General Discussion / Re: What Touring bike would you suggest?
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:03:16 pm »
Cannondale T1 or T2Touring.I have uses T2 which was T800.Never had any Problems with it.Crossed the US Twice TramAM and Northern Tier.Cost $1300. Good Luck in your Choice

General Discussion / Re: Lodging in Bar Harbor
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:26:11 pm »
Stayed at Hostal in Bar Harbor for a couple of Days in 2008,had a good experence.But before you go Check it out as it might be Shout Down.Bar Harbor Hostal, 321 Main St,NO 207-2885587.

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