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Messages - fnegron44

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Atlantic Coast Route - Florida
« on: November 21, 2014, 09:10:03 pm »
Hi etsisk:  Check out Larry and Penny Thompson Park.   It's something the locals know about and kind of off the beaten path.  Neighborhood is kind of rough but within the park you'll be fine.  Just a short ride off of US1 on 184 Street (Eureka Drive).  We are hosts on Warmshowers so don't hesitate to contact us if you need a place near Ft. Lauderdale.
Enjoy the ride....

Routes / Blue Ridge Parkway
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:05:42 am »
Hi all:  I hope to make it to Ashville and want to do some bike touring on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Should I go north or south out of Ashville?  All opinions welcome....

South Atlantic / Re: Florida Rides
« on: August 27, 2009, 04:29:27 pm »
Thanks a bunch.  Anywhere in Florida.  Weekdays are not a problem either.  Great input, thanks.

I rode around Lake Okechobee - there is a levee around a majority of the Lake.  It's a little over 100 miles.  I have also ridden through the Ocala National Forest for a few days and the Appalachicola Forest.  I will be travelling around Jacsonville and Nassau counties as soon as it cools down a little.  There is another bike on Florida Bike rides put out by the Pineapple Press which is quite good.  I live in South Florida so if you make it that far south don't hesitate to ask for specifics.   

South Atlantic / Re: Florida Rides
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:14:06 am »
Hi:  I'm in South Florida but have ridden all over the State of Florida.  Where are you planning on riding and we'll see if we can help find you the best rides.  Take care

Canada / How's the bike riding/touring in Nova Scotia?
« on: July 15, 2009, 11:46:49 am »
Hi:  I just learned that an old friend lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  How's the bike riding/touring in Nova Scotia?  Where might be the best place to rent a bike for an extended tour?  Best routes, best time of year to tour, camping opportunities, wind directions etc  etc  etc.  Thanks   

Rocky Mountain / Re: Going to the Sun
« on: June 21, 2009, 03:11:30 pm »
Hi:  Thanks for the response.  My plan was indeed to start in Whitefish.  There is a bike shop with some decent touring bikes to rent there.  If I follow your advice when I get to St. Mary I will be going south on 89.  When I get to Kiowa there is a road numbered highway 49 to East Glacier.  Is highway 49 a road that you can ride your bike on or should I keep on 89 out to Browning and then head towards East Glacier?  Thanks for the help!   

Rocky Mountain / Going to the Sun
« on: June 16, 2009, 11:11:22 am »
I have been planning a bike trip to ride Going to the Sun since the mid 1980's.  Marriage, kids etc etc has put the plans always a little out of reach.  What's better - an out and back or a circle around Glacier National Park after riding the Going to the Sun?  If the circle route is better which way would be best/easiest to ride Going to the Sun - west to east or east to west?  I'm from Florida so I know I'm going to suffer in any event but looking forward to the replies.  Thanks

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