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Messages - Ebtbmt

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Fort Myers to Key west
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:20:59 pm »
Re: avoiding Krome Ave.  I have been advised of this but really don't know what a good alternate would be.  Can someone suggest a route?  Thaks

Just wanted to say thanks for the great article.  I planning on riding from Ft. Myers to Key West in a couple of weeks and am on a limited time to get there.  While I've been to the Everglades several times it's been by car or boat and I wasn't sure about the safety of going across the Tamiami on a bike.  Despite the obstacles you relate in your article, I believe this will be our best course.  We'll have vehicle transport for part of the trip so we shouldn't have a problem with the construction on the east end, if it is still a problem. 

Routes / Re: Florida to Ohio routes? maps?
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:02:01 pm »
Jenifer,  Regarding your reference to contacting the state coordinators, I would just add that in anticipation of a winter bike ride in Florida that only partially includes ACA maps, I contacted Florida cycling (not sure if the name is exactly correct) for recommended routes and was simply told to refer to Adventure Cycling webpage.  I don´t know if other states are like this but Florida was simply very disappointing in helping me.

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