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Messages - mcjollygoodd

Pages: [1]
Is it necessary to route around these closures or are crews letting touring cyclist through?

Routes / Re: Problems with Great Rivers maps
« on: June 04, 2014, 09:42:31 am »
I realize this is an old thread, but I wanted to add a good review for this one. Two weeks ago I rode the GRS from Lesterville, MO to Golconda, IL and had little to no problems. The Mermet area was a bit confusing because the roads were not signed, but the turn-by-turn directions were spot on. I just trusted the t-b-t and the mileages posted on the map and made it through easily. As for camping at Karnak, I don't have anything to add as I stayed in Cape Girardeau with a Warmshowers host and the next night in Golconda at Deer Run Campground.

As of 6-1-14, the bridge is now open to traffic and back to normal.

Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Trans Am, Section 9, 2014
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:53:54 pm »
There is road construction taking place in Farmington, MO along the route on Liberty and Columbia streets. The map panel affected is 111. There will be some temporary closures with detours throughout the summer of 2014.

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