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Messages - NickC

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Pacific Northwest / Re: Pacific Northwest suggestions
« on: August 08, 2011, 01:08:16 am »
Hi Mike,

Here's a loop that we did in 5 days with van support, but would be a realistic 7 day ride self supported.  Lots of hills but beautiful scenery on the north and east (dry) flanks of Mt Hood. The link is to an Oregon DOT Map that is available online as a PDF and that you can order in print.

download sections 2 & 3 of the map

We started and finished in the community of Mt. Hood, Oregon, located on Hwy 35 approximately 18 miles south of Hood River.  The Hood River County Chamber of Commerce (800-366-3530) provides a visitor's packet with maps and information on campgrounds and B&Bs around Mt. Hood. The following mileages are approximate, but pretty darn close.  Call for a free copy of the Oregon Bicycling Guide from the Oregon Department of Transportation (503-986-3556) and take a detailed Oregon road map with you. 

Day One -- Mt. Hood to Celilo
0   Community of Mt. Hood.  Head N on Hwy 35
9.5   R Van Horn Dr
10.2   L Eastside Rd
12.7   Panorama Point (picnic tables and restrooms)
13.2   R Highline Dr
14   R Old Columbia River Dr (You pass through heaven between here and Mosier)
22.4   Mosier.  Continue East on Hwy 30 to The Dalles
25.3   Memaloose Overlook.  A good wind-protected lunch stop.
30   Rowena Crest - Awesome View!
31.6   Rowena
37.4   The Dalles. Continue through town on Hwy 30
42.5   L Hwy 197
43   R onto Interstate 84 Eastbound (Not as bad as it sounds, and its only 10 miles)
53.5   Celilo Exit.  Follow signs to Deschutes State Park
57   Deschutes State Park

Day Two -- Celilo to Condon
0   Exit Deschutes SP and turn right
2   R Hwy 206 to Wasco and Condon
12.7   Wasco. Last water till Condon, unless you can filter water from the John Day River.
19   Pass Hay Canyon Rd
22.2   Pass Fairview Rd
27.7   Cottonwood State Park - Lunch on the John Day River.  Restrooms
36.4   Mountain Marker and good rest stop location
40   Pass Abandoned House
45.2   Pass Wind Farm
53   Condon RV Park.  Showers and laundry available.
   There is also a hotel, a grocery and two or three restaurants in Condon.

Day Three -- Condon to Antelope   
0   Leave Condon heading south on Hwy 19 to Fossil
5.6   Thirty Mile Creek
9   Dyer State Wayside - Restrooms
14.8   Cummings Hill Summit
19.1   Fossil.  Last store till Antelope. Follow Hwy 218 out of Fossil to Antelope.
25   Summit.  The ride from here to lunch is THE BEST descent in Oregon.
35.7   Clarno Unit Fossil Beds - Lunch.  Restrooms and water available.
39   Clarno Crossing John Day River
47.2   Summit with Turnout
54   R on 218 into Antelope.  Check into the RV park at the restaurant. Showers.

Day Four -- Antelope to Rock Creek Reservoir   
0   Continue North on 218 through Antelope to Shaniko
8   L (south) on Hwy 97 at Shaniko
9   R on Bakeoven Road
31   Maupin City Park - Lunch.  Restrooms and water available.
   Cross back to the East bank of the river and head North (downstream) on Deschutes River Rd.
39   L on Hwy 216 over Shearer's Bridge
43   White River Falls Wayside -- A Must See!
47   Cross Hwy 197 onto Tygh Valley Rd.  Exit Tygh Valley on Wamic Market Rd
53   Wamic.  Road becomes Rock Creek Dam Rd as it exits Wamic
58   Road becomes Forest Road 48 entering Mt. Hood National Forest.
60   Rock Creek Reservoir

Day Five -- Back to Mt. Hood
0   Rock Creek Reservoir.  Continue West on Forest Road 48
28   R on Hwy 35
29   Bennett Pass.  Lunch.  Restroom available.
45   Community of Mt. Hood

Thanks, Hondo.  I figured 4 days riding Crowe Agency/Ashland/Broadus/Alzada/ Devils Tower.  None of the legs I envision would be longer than 62 miles. Most legs have some services midway. I figured I'd need to carry extra water on some of the days, especially Broadus to Alzada where there's nothin'. Hope to pass through Spearfish on the rebound from Devils Tower, then onto the Mickelson Trail.

Connecting ACA Routes / Rapid City, SD to Minneapolis
« on: May 23, 2009, 01:44:15 pm »
I'm sure there are lots of ways to do this, but if someone knows of some 'must see' routes or points of interest between the two, I'd like to hear about them. Just as important, any 'must avoids'.


Connecting ACA Routes / Crowe Agency to Alzada, Montana via Hwy 212
« on: May 22, 2009, 01:04:38 am »
I'm looking at deviating from the L&C route at Billings to head over to Devils Tower and Mt Rushmore. Anyone have any experience or comments on this route?

In late Aug 08 I only rode on Rt 200 from the junction of #83 to # 279 (Ovando and Lincoln) but found it a good road and no traffic issues.  Good campground and restaurant in Lincoln.
Jim K

Thanks, Jim.  Just curious...Did you enter or exit Hwy 200 using Hwy 279?  Have you ridden #279 to Helena?

In summary, Hwy 200 is a good shortcut between Great Falls and Missoula, MT. Judy

Many thanks, Judy. One of my riding companions has already purchased that book.  But the subjective descriptions from you and other cyclists are so helpful in finding a route that is both efficient and pleasant, or at least not life-threatening. I fully agree with your interpretation of rumble strips.

Many thanks for your comments.  We haven't ruled out the mapped AC L&C route, but Hwy 200 looked like a legitimate option.  At the very least, we could count on eating well in Ovando.

I'd like to hear any observations about Hwy 200 from Missoula to Great Falls to shorten the L&C Route a bit.  Services and campgrounds appear sparse? Anyone with direct experience on that route? We're considering traversing the continental divide that way the last week of May or first week of June.

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