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Messages - Babbitt

Pages: [1]
Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Re: Pacific Coast Big Sur status
« on: April 01, 2024, 01:50:00 pm »
Thank you for the update.

I have changed by trip plan to the Natchez Trace Parkway.

Hopefully they can clear this up and I can make the trip in a couple of years.

Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Re: Pacific Coast Big Sur status
« on: March 26, 2024, 01:12:11 pm »
Thank you, that is quite the detour.

Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Re: Pacific Coast Big Sur status
« on: March 16, 2024, 02:32:00 pm »
Thanks, the only alternative routes I can in the forum are North Coast Ridge Road a gravel road with 2000 ft of climbing that looks like it is closed to cars and bicycles. Or I could take the big detour parallel to 101. With that option, I miss at least a third of the coast from San Francisco to Santa Barbara.

This might not be the year for this trip.

Temporary ACA Route Road Closures / Pacific Coast Big Sur status
« on: March 16, 2024, 10:46:47 am »
Has anyone been through the section of HWY 1 that is closed due to the land slide at Big Sur recently?

I will be passing through in Mid April. I don't mind walking after the crews leave at 6. Is this possible?

What are the reroute options if it is impassable?


General Discussion / Re: It Ain't The Prettiest, But . . .
« on: May 06, 2020, 08:15:42 pm »
2012 vstrom 650.

It was a great trip.

General Discussion / Re: It Ain't The Prettiest, But . . .
« on: March 13, 2020, 04:12:28 pm »
I get that you are focused on the AC trail but there are so many empty roads in the middle of the country that may not be your best tool.  The rail to trail suggestion is good but I find that the unrelenting flatness is harder on my knees than a rolling road with a variable effort.

Are you open to gravel roads?  There are paces in the midwest where you could probably set up your tent in the road worry-free. They are often rolling and lead to odd and interesting places. Contrary to the current trend you don't really need any special equipment just go slow and enjoy the scenery. I also tour on motorcycles this picture is probably at least a half day's bicycle ride from the nearest town.

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