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Messages - CraigC571

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Re: Getting bike and gear to start of tour
« on: September 11, 2016, 06:08:18 pm »
Thanx J.  This gives me some ideas.
Enjoy your today.

Gear Talk / Re: Single pair of shoes, or bike AND walking shoes?
« on: September 11, 2016, 05:46:08 pm »
I'm planning my first epic tour and will go retro and use good hiking shoes and rat trap peddles.  I've used them for week long tours with no issue.
For local rides I have a pair of Pearl Izumi shoes with the hidden clip.  When walking I know it's there and still clicks when walking on hard surfaces.
I will also bring sandals or something like that for shower and walking around a camp site.

Gear Talk / Getting bike and gear to start of tour
« on: September 11, 2016, 05:33:33 pm »
I will ride the TA starting June 2017.  I live in Massachusetts and will ride west to east.  What experience do riders have getting bikes and gear (BoB trailer) to Astoria OR? 
Do I bring everything with me to the airport or ship ahead?
If I ship ahead are there recommendations on shops that will receive and hold it?
Any experience using UPS pack and ship?

Routes / Re: Practical camping advice for Route 66
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:05:20 am »
Thanx John.  That not as bad as I was visualizing.   

Routes / Re: Highway use along Route 66
« on: September 05, 2016, 09:57:20 pm »
My first experience in a "forum". 
I haven't committed to Route 66 yet.  I looked at an Atlas and noticed the route follows Interstates 55, 44 and 40.  How much riding was actually done on the highways and what percentage of your time was in ear shot of the highways? 
I'm looking for an epic journey but what to get away from the highways.  Suggestions are welcome.  Thanx

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