Hello, adventure cycling forum!
I just want to say it's great being here! and that maybe I should have just come here in the beginning!
In all honesty, I have never thought of wearing any protective clothing apart from a helmet for obvious reasons. Normally I go off road across the countryside trails with my friends and have next to no problems apart from the occasional bump.Well, a couple of days ago I was happily riding down the road on my daily trip down the shop and a car pulled out and basically T-boned me into the middle of the road. Luckily enough my head was fine and there was no traffic coming but my days, I landed on my elbow full force and the burns I have! in the most uncomfortable of places, what a day.
Anyway, not I have learned the hard way like normal in my day to day life I am going to be needing a little advice. What Kind of protective cycling clothing do you guys wear? I have seen the cycling shorts online where I get most of my clothing but i was also wanting to know if there is padding around the hip/top thigh area? In the link below Basically, any tips and advice that you guys could share would be great and equipment or clothing tips would be sweet also!
https://www.easyprices.com/f/Home/Result?searchWord=cycling+shortsA little extreme but, looking safe haha. Speak to you all soon.