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Messages - Ddanny

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Re: Reflective Clothing; Jackets/Jerseys Etc (Warm Weather)
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:41:09 pm »
I like the vest shown below.  Yellow with reflective stripes.  Mesh.  Great for visibility.  But as stated, lights are essential too for night riding.  The yellow vest helps in daytime because its very visible.  Unless you are huge, the S/M size is best.

Agreed that is what you want to be wearing!

Gear Talk / Re: Should have learnt the easy way.. some advice guys
« on: February 07, 2017, 10:37:52 pm »
A mirror is not such a bad idea either. I don't think I have ever seen one on a bicycle before.

General Discussion / Re: Training program recommendations
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:51:37 pm »
I will have to be getting on one of these training programs soon. It's good to know what they have instore for me.

Gear Talk / Re: Should have learnt the easy way.. some advice guys
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:24:10 pm »
Some really great replies here and some pretty bad, unfortunate accidents also. It seems that accidents are inevitable and whether it is a car or just damn bad luck, it's going to happen eventually. Keeping that in mind, I will be going out to buys some bright clothing, bright lights and a loud horn. This should be a good start to keeping me a little safer on the roads.

I will do a little research online now about these cycling courses and road safety to see where I can join, prices etc. Thanks for the advice and stories guys, I will be back soon,

Gear Talk / Re: Should have learnt the easy way.. some advice guys
« on: February 06, 2017, 01:57:02 am »
Pat Lamb, I have this strange feeling you are right, it doesn't matter what I protect I will hit whatever is not protected! But I will 100% be having a look through them links to see what them guys have to say. It is quite surprising how many people disregard road safety when riding a bicycle.

Dave, They sound like some pretty bad accidents especially the second one! It kind of feel like you need eyes in the back of your head just to get from A-B on a bicycle. All I can say is Bless the helmet and never take it off! i will have a read through the link and see what i could do better and what other protective gear i could be wearing!

Thanks guys

Gear Talk / Should have learnt the easy way.. some advice guys
« on: February 05, 2017, 01:31:45 am »
Hello, adventure cycling forum!

I just want to say it's great being here! and that maybe I should have just come here in the beginning!

In all honesty, I have never thought of wearing any protective clothing apart from a helmet for obvious reasons. Normally I go off road across the countryside trails with my friends and have next to no problems apart from the occasional bump.Well, a couple of days ago I was happily riding down the road on my daily trip down the shop and a car pulled out and basically T-boned me into the middle of the road. Luckily enough my head was fine and there was no traffic coming but my days, I landed on my elbow full force and the burns I have! in the most uncomfortable of places, what a day.

Anyway, not I have learned the hard way like normal in my day to day life I am going to be needing a little advice. What Kind of protective cycling clothing do you guys wear? I have seen the cycling shorts online where I get most of my clothing but i was also wanting to know if there is padding around the hip/top thigh area? In the link below Basically, any tips and advice that you guys could share would be great and equipment or clothing tips would be sweet also!
A little extreme but, looking safe haha. Speak to you all soon.

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