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Messages - superpletch

Pages: [1]
Routes / Pfeiffer Bridge at Big Sur work around
« on: March 18, 2017, 11:26:08 am »
I have Pacific Coast tour planned in May.  Due to winter storms Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge on Hwy 1 was damaged and is being demolished.  I am new to touring and this will be my first Pacific Coast ride.  What are options to get around the road closure?  Obviously an inland route will be required if they don't open a walking trail around canyon bridge.  I'd hate to miss this section of the tour and it's views, furthermore if there is a walk around it would greatly reduce vehicle traffic.  Any specifics would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Gear Talk / Re: Tubeless
« on: March 17, 2017, 02:31:34 pm »
I have a few hundred miles on my marathon supremes and love them.  I mounted them in 30 minutes with a floor pump and stans sealant.  I plan on running them on Pacific coast tour in may.  You should alway use sealant with tubeless tires, it almost eliminates flats.  I carry a couple tubes for the unlikely event you puncture tire in a way sealant will not seal.  I will also cary folded used tire in case tire is damaged to the point it is unridable, both of which I would do even if I was riding on clinchers with tubes.  IMO tubeless is the way to go.

General Discussion / Re: Aussies cycling SF to LA re Big Sur
« on: March 17, 2017, 08:26:02 am »
i am also planning a tour from sf to la in may.  pfeiffer bridge is being demolished as we type and new bridge is not scheduled to be completed until december of 2017.  from what i can gather from caltrans is that they are working on a walk around where you can walk/carry bike to bypass damaged bridge.  it may have limited access at times due to construction of new bridge.  i plan on following closely the progress for the only other option is a much longer inland route which will bypass some of the best parts of this tour.  i recommend calling caltrans public information officer (805)549-3138 to keep pressure on to complete a workable walk around.  a good spot to watch progress is  any additional information from anyone is greatly appreciated.

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