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Messages - dtsloan

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: border crossings
« on: January 01, 2020, 06:14:55 pm »
thanks all

General Discussion / Re: border crossings
« on: December 27, 2019, 04:26:59 pm »
Yup, wanting to get the passport stamps to “complete.” ;-)

General Discussion / border crossings
« on: December 27, 2019, 10:48:28 am »
Next summer going to ride into Canada at Blaine and then to Mexico at San Ysidro. Any thoughts on these border crossings on a bike? They treat you as a vehicle or pedestrian? Any help appreciated - like to plan. Thanks.

Routes / Re: SW Washington
« on: November 04, 2019, 04:02:49 pm »
thanks; good info

Routes / Re: SW Washington
« on: November 03, 2019, 06:22:00 am »
kind of what I suspected; thanks

Last year I rode Oregon/California border to Mexico border, and northern California was definitely the most scenic.

Routes / Re: SW Washington
« on: November 03, 2019, 02:08:09 am »

Routes / SW Washington
« on: November 02, 2019, 10:23:34 pm »
Riding Canada to Mexico next summer.

The ACA route stays fairly inland in SW Washington, instead of heading more west and then south near the coast. Anyone know why? Is there a viable route, like this?


[/quote] You can also take the Amtrak Train from Salinas, CA to San Luis Obispo, CA to bypass Mud Creek Mudslide

Thanks, but I’m riding from Oregon to Mexico and want to ride every bit of it, one way or another. ;-)

Looking at a detour that would leave the coast around Moss Landing, go south through King City, then rejoin the coast at Morrow Bay. Not ideal, but is more direct than many of the alternates. Anyone have thoughts on good roads to use cycling? Thanks.

Have you seen our detour?

It begins in Marina and rejoins the route near Cambria.

Amy Lippus
GIS Specialist/Cartographer
Routes & Mapping Dept.

Adventure Cycling Association
150 E. Pine St.
Missoula, MT 59802
Inspiring and empowering people to travel by bicycle

I had not, but that looks helpful. Thanks.

Looking at a detour that would leave the coast around Moss Landing, go south through King City, then rejoin the coast at Morrow Bay. Not ideal, but is more direct than many of the alternates. Anyone have thoughts on good roads to use cycling? Thanks.

Great, thanks.

It would be great if the app digital maps would be updated to show detours around these long term closures.

If anyone's interested in an adventurous alternative, I just scouted another detour option that involves some fire roads out of Gorda, which allowed me to (legally and freely) get around the landslide in a day. Because these forums were so helpful in my research, I wanted to post the info in case it could be of help to anyone making plans around the landslide.

The detour broke down into three segments:
1. Willow Creek Road (also: Los Burros Rd 23S01), a fire road just north of Gorda that starts at the Treebones Resort turnoff. ~8 miles
2. South Coast Ridge Road (SCRR), a dirt road that runs the ridge above Big Sur. ~4 miles
3. Salmon Creek Trail (SCT), a half-abandoned hiking trail that connects SCRR to HWY 1, JUST south of the southern landslide road block. ~6 miles

#1 and #2 were great, well maintained fire roads. The climb up to the ridge was steep, probably a bit steeper than Naciemento-Fergusson, but there was virtually no traffic, so it was really enjoyable. I don't recommend part #3 (we did it so you don't have to!), but once you're on the ridge, you can connect up to the top of N-F Rd. Basically, you could ride all of (open) Big Sur, then get back to the detour while avoiding retracing your steps to N-F.

I posted a journal entry about this in great detail with photos here:

Hope this helps!

Has anyone else tried this or a variation? Planning a July ride. Want to stay on PCH as much as possible.  Thanks.

I read there is a hiking trail that can be used to bypass the PCH closure, about a 40 minute hike. Anyone know if this really exists, and if it's possible to walk a bike along the trail? Would save a lot of time and effort.


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