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Messages - Homer Howzit

Pages: [1]
Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Polebridge to Red Meadow Lake
« on: March 08, 2019, 11:48:43 am »
Two weeks sounds like a lot of food to haul in at once.  Are you going to have a supply in your car trunk and make periodic runs back down to re-supply?

Yes, that is what I was thinking!  I like the idea of “Open endedness”.. Maybe stashing a backpack in the car if that opened up trails I couldn’t explore by bike. Basically looking for low key - open ended time - in a beautiful place?... (it seems that “Outside the park” I have so many options - don’t require reservations etc) So better to leave car in Polebridge? or to drive to Red Meadow Lake and use it as home base there? Is this just a crazy idea

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Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Polebridge to Red Meadow Lake
« on: March 07, 2019, 05:15:30 pm »

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Connecting ACA Routes / Re: Polebridge to Red Meadow Lake
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:40:38 pm »
Thank you! I would like to take two Weeks of personal retreat in August to mark my retirement. I would like to drive from Ca to Polebridge and park. Then bike into Red Meadow Lake and solo camp.
From there I would like to explore out on the bike. But it’s a long way from home and completely unknown terrain. Looking for best course of action advice - will it be doable-fun-beautiful?

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Connecting ACA Routes / Polebridge to Red Meadow Lake
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:28:01 pm »
First - can anyone tell me about the ride from Polebridge MT to Red Meadow Lake?.. (In August- basically is it better to ride it or drive it and use it as a base camp and then foray out from there?.)
Much appreciated

PS: which forum should I have posted this in? God help me I’m confused

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Pages: [1]