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Messages - ides1056

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: Too old to solo the Southern Tier? . . .
« on: May 02, 2021, 11:03:30 am »
Never too old. I met an 81 year old Brit in Livingston MT when on my honeymoon many years ago. He was on his second solo cross-country trip. Told me he attributed his good health to having farmed behind horses before the war and planting trees in Scandinavia after. I plan to follow his example.

I started the ST last March and had to call it after eight days because of the pandemic. But I met a woman who was going the same way: she was five years in remission from Leukemia and 250 lbs- I did not ask, she told me.

I am 64. My New Year's resolution was: don't turn around in ten years and regret not having done what you could while you still could.

I plan to spend as much time touring as I can while I can, and the more I do, the more I will be able to.

All the best.

Routes / Re: Should/could I take my dog on the Great Divide Route?
« on: May 02, 2021, 10:57:13 am »
Dogs are Bear magnets.

You will have a terrible time if something goes wrong.

Routes / Re: Which bike for the GDMBR?
« on: May 02, 2021, 10:55:58 am »
Friends did the route last August on MTB's they bought used beforehand and sold after. From what I understand much of the route is a gravel ride. I only ride MTB on single track- a SC Highball- because I don't like the position it puts me in- short top tube, wide bars, pelvis forward, etc- anywhere else. I think your tire choice will matter more. You have two good options, anyway.
I am planning to ride part of it this summer, and will likely use my everyday ride anywhere bike- a Nobilette with cantilever brakes- in part because I plan to ride East to West coast with a detour from Whitefish on the Divide. I ride gravel locally with 30 mm tires on this bike. Loaded I will opt for something heavier.

Routes / Re: Atlantic Coast Route - Massachusetts >< Maine
« on: May 02, 2021, 10:49:25 am »
I'd consider riding inland routes to avoid the traffic that congregates on the coast. I don't mind wind, but rain is never welcome. Below sixty degrees definitely not. If you can time your trip during a lull in the weather do so.

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