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Messages - sbwaxman

Pages: [1] 2
Routes / Re: Erie Canal Camping
« on: September 23, 2022, 01:12:00 pm »
Just a quick note that Holley has re-opened for camping. It's just a stretch of grass, and the bathrooms (no showers) are across the road in the park, but hikers/bikers/boaters are permitted to camp there.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: September 23, 2022, 01:08:54 pm »
Aw, no sheep! But yes: Dorr Skeels was a lovely spot, one of my favorites of the trip, and Howard Miller Steelhead was excellent.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: September 12, 2022, 03:40:32 pm »
Thanks for reading!

I took US 2 because there was a large construction project on the new mapped route and amenities were scarcer there as well. I talked to/read blogs of some folks who did it the mapped route, and it went fine—they were ferried across on the pilot truck. It ended mid-summer, I believe, so not really a concern anymore. But also the traffic from fracking has dwindled to nearly nothing, and US 2 was fine and a good alternative in that regard.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: September 11, 2022, 09:55:50 am »
Hi all,

Back just to say I rode the NT! Thanks for all your help as I prepared for it. I'm posting my blog and spreadsheet here in case it's helpful for future folks looking for NT information.



Routes / Re: Northern Tier Map 3
« on: June 30, 2022, 10:12:56 pm »
Hello! Just wanted to let folks know that I did take 2, and it was totally acceptable. Reasonable traffic mostly after Browning and variable shoulder leaning toward good.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: June 25, 2022, 09:00:31 am »
Hi all, just a belated note that Colonial Creek does have a hiker/biker site!

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 27, 2022, 09:24:33 am »
Ooh, thanks for the link! I am not planning to wild camp if at all possible, but this is super helpful nonetheless.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 25, 2022, 02:55:58 pm »
Thank you, Eric!

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 25, 2022, 09:17:18 am »
Thanks, both of you! This is all great, and I will make sure to stop. (Honestly, pretty sure I'll need to be stopping several times anyway ...) I do have a good pair of gloves and have read folks' advice to layer up for the downhills.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 24, 2022, 03:56:04 pm »
Yep, eastbound starting in Seattle the first full week of June.

I do wish I had some time to get my road legs before hitting those passes (yes, I know it's two--that elevation profile is a scary thing!), but I guess that's how I'm going to get my road legs.

Thanks for the helpful link and general thoughts/advice!

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 24, 2022, 01:43:13 pm »
Thank you so much for all the information! This is all great (esp the showers and fried chicken), and I may well be in touch about the alternate route.

Also, what an amazing first tour. (Mine was the Lake Michigan Circle Tour, much tamer!) I've done a lot of touring around the midwest, and I rode Williston, ND to Chicago back in 2012, but I've never ridden west of Williston; the West and the mountains are new to me.

Again, I really appreciate the information--so helpful. I'll drop folks a line when I hear from Colonial Creek to confirm/deny that there are hiker/biker sites.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 24, 2022, 11:55:32 am »
I'm staying at Steelhead the previous night, so it's just under 40 miles to Colonial Creek (and only about 10 to Cascade Wagon), but then 55+ to Mazama/Winthrop, where I could next find camping or Warm Showers. I know myself well enough to know I'm not making those miles in the mountains a few days in! I did check with Steelhead, and I can stay there an extra night if I need to, and I have a call in to Colonial Creek.

Thank you for the response! I'll let folks know here when I hear back from Colonial Creek, in case anyone is following/interested.

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 23, 2022, 05:00:29 pm »
Carla, thanks so much, and my apologies for missing that! I did call 854-7200, and I have also emailed. I'll try the other number as well. Really appreciate the note.


Update: I took a look at the service directory and don't see that designation for Colonial Creek. I'm on the paper map 2017 version, and I do see that the GPX data for Section 1 has been updated (just downloaded it), so maybe it is there?

Update 2: Yep, found it online in the updates to Section 1. Good reminder to me to check there!

Routes / Re: camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 23, 2022, 11:17:59 am »
Thank you! I'm female and solo and would prefer not to stealth or wild camp--I've tried it before and spent the whole night feeling on edge. It looks like the WA state parks have a no-turn-away policy for hikers and bikers, but Colonial Creek is national. 

Routes / camping on the Northern Tier
« on: May 23, 2022, 09:56:59 am »
Hi all,

Back with another NT question! I have started booking my first couple of campgrounds and have already hit a snag. I knew weekends were going to be a problem, but there's nothing available for the weekend at any of the campgrounds I can find around Rockport/Diablo (Colonial Creek North and South) and no hotels or Warm Showers hosts I can locate. I assume this has been an increasing challenge as camping's popularity has spiked over the last couple of years. What are other folks doing in this area, and any suggestions? Is anyone staying in Colonial Creek that weekend and interested in sharing a site?


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