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Messages - c_steve_j

Pages: [1]
Routes / Re: TransAm to Crater Lake
« on: May 02, 2024, 08:54:22 am »
John .... Thanks for your routing suggestions. I do have an account with RWGPS. I will check out your links. Thanks for your time and appreciate your advice.

jamawani .... I am not from the West. And I am not versed in the seasonal changes that occur in the high country. I've experienced some seasonal changes in the Rockies but not intuned with them. I will be leaving Astoria starting the 2nd week of July. Google was only used to give me some sort of idea about getting to the Park. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Your advice will be greatly appreciated.

Routes / TransAm to Crater Lake
« on: April 30, 2024, 04:10:35 pm »
Hello ... Need some help. I will be riding the Trans Am eastbound from Astoria in early summer. Crater Lake National Park is on my bucket list. I very much want to see this park. And since I am going to be in the area, I want to come off-trail and see this park. It's the perfect opportunity. I plan to take the Eugene Spur and from Eugene ride to Crater Lake NP. My dilemma is the most appropriate route. As a starting point, I used Google and it has suggested 3 possible routes. The suggested routes are; 1) via OR-138 E, 2) via US Frst Service Rd 21, or 3) via Row River Trail (BLM) and US Frst Service Rd 21. I'm hoping someone with knowledge of the area or experience riding to Crater Lake from the Trans Am route can make my dream come true. Thenks everyone!

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