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Messages - RealRedHair

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Pacific Northwest / Seattle Airport - bike packaging
« on: July 08, 2024, 09:25:23 pm »

7th August I fly out after 3 month of bicycling through the US. Started in Chicago, Route 66 to Saint Louis, Katy trail, Transam to Pueblo Colorado, Teton, Yellow Stone and then upto Glacier and Northern Tier to coast. Hope to go still to Vancouver Island and Olympic.

But then I have to leave to Holland. So I'm thinking on how to organise that. I think there is a train running to the airport. So I could take my bike with the train. But I still need a box and how do I go with a box and bicycle with panniers to the railwaystation? Maybe take a big Uber taxi and put in the box with bike into it. Any suggestions are welcome how to do this smoothly? I guess I could get a bicycle box maybe from a bicycle box.


Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: November 23, 2023, 03:24:03 pm »
I think May 15 to Aug 15 is better than May-June-July - -
But you may have already set your dates.

PS - Guessing you are 50+ from your comments.
PPS - Serious election you had there in the NL.

I fly in Chicago 11th of May so that should be fine.

PS2 Yes, but in Holland you always need a coalition. So in this case the PVV will have to work with three other parties to get a majority if they manage to work out things. So all more extreme points will be weakened by the other parties. And I belief it will not be a very durable/strong coalition in the long term. But anyhow we will need to try to listen beter to the real needs of the people who voted on PVV. Why did they feel the need to do so and how can we improve there situation and make our society more inclusive also for them.

Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: November 23, 2023, 12:01:54 pm »
Recently I came across the Pony Express trail.

This might be interesting for me to take some of the first sections/divisions in the East.

Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: September 29, 2023, 02:45:56 pm »
Thanks for all the advices. Actually I will have a 90 day visa and not 4 months (May/June/July). So I decided maybe it is better to fly in more to the West and start in Chicago. In that way I have some time to do some extra loops or stay a bit longer in Yosemite NP. Below a rough sketch.

Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: September 15, 2023, 03:40:37 pm »
Thanks for all replies! A lot to read and digest :D
Correct I had red hairs long time ago.

* Visa: B2 visa is complicated and quite expensive I found out so I stick to ESTA 90 days for the moment
* Period: still May, June, July seems good slot for the moment
* Do not want to spend much time in cities; I like nature and landscapes. Stay some days in Yellowstone is a good idea!
* Coast to coast is not needed; I start and end in a city with good flight connections to Europe/Holland (Seattle, Portland, Calgary, Vancouver)
* C&O / GAP Trails from Washington, DC to Pittsburgh -> seems nice start of the ride.
* Great American Rail-Trail - why use this trail? Quit roads, I guess.  -> -> where to download the gpx tracks then I add them to my possible tracks
* I will camp, use Warmshowers or budget B&B
* I thought since TransAm and Great Divide are quite close I could decide once I’m there depending on conditions on the ground; my bike is not a mountain bike but still able to drive off-road partly with fat tires
* Do I need a water filter or is good water more or less available?
* Where can I download the GPX tracks of all the different sections I want to use. Maybe contact me with direct message.

Thanks. Raoul

Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: September 14, 2023, 05:03:11 pm »
My work agreed on a leave next year so my planning goes in a next phase. I'm now thinking about:

Start Washington DC
Option 1. Atlantic Coast trail South to Richmond
Option 2. Atlantic Coast trail North, Chicago to New York City Philadelphia Alternate,
Chicago to New York City Route to Indianapolis, Eastern Express Connector, Bicycle Route 66 to Springfield
TransAm trail to Pueblo
TransAm or switch to Great Divide Mountain Bike Route up North
Optional lope Eaast to Montana with Lewis and Clark Trail
West with Northern Tier to Vancouver/Seatle

Think start in end April/start May and then 3 month. Still have to calculate number of miles/km.

What do you advise me?

Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: August 09, 2023, 07:37:41 am »
Thanks for all reactions and suggestions. Yes I will need a B-2 Visa voor 6 month. There are so many options to ride; hard to decide which one to choose. Somehow I like to see Montana. Great American Rail Trail has quit some trail gaps it seems. Why you suggest this trail? So I think I will start mid April and then 3-4 month. Now I will ask my work for a sabbatical.

PS See screenshot Polarsteps on my trip in Spain this year.

Routes / Re: 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: August 06, 2023, 03:49:02 pm »
Thanks for your reply. Nice that the wind direction is not important. Then I go from East to West in the spring. In the mountains I go maybe 50 miles a day and on flat more. In spring nature is more green and the sun not that strong. But higher temperature is no problem. This April there was an heat-wave in Spain. I do not like cities that much; more rural/agricultural areas or nature. I have a touring bike with fat tires so gravel is no problem. Maybe 50% or so. Use tent, Warmshower hosts or cheap motels/hostels. Really like to see at least also Montana; Rockies less important since I already did the Cascades route. But missing Yellow Stone and Great Divide is also a pity.

Routes / 3-4 month USA 2024
« on: August 06, 2023, 09:45:10 am »

After 1 month trips to Spain this year and Scotland last year I (56 from Holland -Europe) want to go for a longer trip in 2024. Plan is to go to USA and bicycle for around 3-4 month. Back in 1995 I went already the Cascade track from Seattle to LA. Now I like to explore more East to West. Montana seems great (especially after the Montana Story movie). Maybe parts of or combination of the Lewis & Clark Bicycle; TransAmerica; Northern Tier and Parks, Peaks, and Prairies looks great also.

My question is on planning. I like to start early next year in order to avoid the heat in the summer. So then it seems logic to start in the East and travel to the West towards the mountains with lower temperatures. But I read that the wind is quit strong from West to East. What are your advices when to start and where? Start in April or is that to early? Is the wind a major concern or do not care too much?


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