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Messages - cfessler

Pages: [1] 2
Connecting ACA Routes / Northern Tier to Boston
« on: April 04, 2007, 07:43:35 pm »
well since I'm hitting the Rockies first I think the hills in Mass. will be manageable...

Connecting ACA Routes / Northern Tier to Boston
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:26:53 pm »
Hi. Next summer I am going on the Northern Tier route from West to East.  My buddy and I may need to end it sooner than planned and want to cut directly to the Boston area.  Has anyone else done this before?  What would be the best route to cut over to Boston from the upstate NY area?  Thanks!

Gear Talk / Best touring bike under $1,000
« on: March 04, 2007, 07:56:05 pm »
I own a 2006 Fuji Touring which I bought barely used for about $450.00, it retails new about $800-$900.  I am using it next summer for a cross-country trip. I like it so far, it rides smoothly with plenty of control.

Gear Talk / Axiom Panniers
« on: February 05, 2007, 08:55:24 am »
Anyone ever use the Axiom Champlain rear panniers?  I am watching them on ebay and they seem ok.  The only thing is I have not been able to find out much about their mounting system, they use a Posi-lock attachment system according to their website, but I am not familiar with the different attachment systems.

Gear Talk / Road or Touring?
« on: January 29, 2007, 08:37:53 am »
I'm doing a cross-country ride next summer and originally I thought I was going to use my light-road bike.  But after much research on long-distance bicycling touring, I have found touring bikes to be best for several reasons.  I bought a 2006 Fuji Touring and just the comfort alone of riding it versus my road bike convinces me that long distance riding should be on a Touring bike.  Also, since Touring bikes have a longer wheelbase they have better control and actually perform better with weight on it.  I've tried to commute with my road bike with by bookbags/gym clotes on the back, and it was a lot more difficult to ride. Hope this helps!

Gear Talk / which panniers?
« on: January 25, 2007, 09:43:28 am »
I was talking about 2400 per pair for the rear and 1000 per pair on the front.  I do plan on living pretty simply and have had experience packing backpacks for hiking, travel, etc.  

I did not think about two pairs of T-42's, I'll have to consider that.

Gear Talk / which panniers?
« on: January 24, 2007, 07:33:03 pm »
I have a couple questions.  I'm doing a loaded tour next summer on the Northern route and am doing some research on different panniers.  Will ~2400 rear panniers, and ~1000 front panniers be pleanty of room for a longer tour.  I do plan on living pretty simply, but don't want to overdo it.

Now, on different brands.  I have been looking at several different brands, Arkel, Orlieb, etc.  I am leaning towards the Arkel bags because of the extra pockets for water bottles, gear, etc. But I don't think they are water-proof. Will rain covers be fine if I plan on bagging all of my clothes inside?

Also, I've seen several brands that I have not heard of on ebay, although they seem ok. These brands are Transit, Nashbar, and the Seattle Sports. Any input would be great.

Gear Talk / which racks?
« on: January 31, 2007, 12:25:44 pm »
I'm a poor college kid and don't want to fork out >$300 for a rack!  I'm looking at anything under $50.00

Gear Talk / which racks?
« on: January 31, 2007, 08:54:29 am »
Which front racks are best? I am looking at the Blackburn Custom front lowrider, does anyone use this rack?

Gear Talk / Windsor Tourist
« on: October 12, 2006, 03:06:04 pm »
I am going on a cross-country tour via the Northern Tier Route next summer and have been doing research about different types of touring bikes.  I came across the Windsor Tourist at  It seems like a pretty decent bike according to its specifications.  Has anyone ever used a Windsor Tourist? Would you recommend it for a cross-country ride? Thanks


Routes / Shipping bike to Seattle area?
« on: May 15, 2007, 01:07:02 pm »
Hi Bill,

I'm starting the Northern Tier the 22nd and am flying into Seattle the 20th.  I'll be taking my time over the mountains so my riding partner can catch up to me and I'll be taking a detour to Chelan, WA for a couple days. Maybe we'll see each other on the road


General Discussion / Any last minute advice??
« on: May 13, 2007, 10:56:25 pm »
Hi, I'm getting ready to embark on my first cross-country ride in about a week.  I think I am pretty well prepared with getting all of my gear together, training, logistics, etc.  Do any of you have any last minute advice for me? thanks!

General Discussion / mail drops on Northern Tier
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:24:28 pm »

General Discussion / mail drops on Northern Tier
« on: April 07, 2007, 11:20:06 pm »
Hi, I had a conversation with a friend who knew that hikers on the Appalachian trai had opportunities to receive mail along their route.

Are there similar places where friends can send me mail along the Norther Tier bike route?  Has anyone else done this? Thanks.

General Discussion / First timer -tough decision
« on: February 22, 2007, 11:01:29 pm »
Hey!  One other fellow and I are doing the Northern Tier this coming summer. I am flying out to meet him in Seattle May 20th and hopefully we'll depart on May 22nd and we want to finish the tour in early August. This works out to be about 60 to 70 miles a day. I'm 23 and I think he's 31 or 32.  If your interested in joining us then, email me at

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