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Messages - xizang

Pages: [1]
Colorado / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:46:01 am »
Hey, you can call me Xizang.  Actually, that's the name on my mtn bike, which I've had since new in 1995.  I used to live in the Castle Rock area - back 40 years ago when it really was just a tiny little town way south of Denver.  After working and living in California and the Atlantic Coasts, I'm currently in Greeley.  No palm trees, sandy beaches or surf to ride in here!

I never have felt really comfortable riding along narrow, heavily travelled highways.  I've always enjoyed bike trails away from cars and (cough) exhaust. 

Anyway, there are lots more trails to ride in Colorado than in Florida or Georgia!

Classifieds / WANTED - Xizang Mountain Bike
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:27:53 am »
Looking for an old GT Xizang mountain bike.  Frame or entire bike.  Need 18" +/- in decent shape.  The GT Xizang was produced from about 1991 through about 2001 or so.  It's a hardtail titanium framed bike, set up for V-brakes and front suspension.

I'm not really looking for 'perfect', but would like to find one with no damages.   This would be a second bike to go with one I've had since new in 1995.

Shoot me a message if you know of one...

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