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Messages - evolutionsurf

Pages: [1]
Connecting ACA Routes / New Mexico/Arizona info.?
« on: December 21, 2006, 01:57:01 am »
mrbent! i am the daughter of ewoodward. what my father has said is all correct, i would have to agree that your choice in routes would be more scenic even though they way we traveled from NM to AZ was very beautiful.  We were told by a fellow biker from New Mexico that the mountains higher north reaching the boarder of Colorado and New Mexico were the most difficult.  But by that time in your journey you will be able to accomplish anything!!!  I dont know if you will go as low as Globe but as scott.laughlin said the decent down the mountains passing through the tunnel was probably the most thrilling adventure, with intense wind currents and a small crowded road.  GOOD LUCK!

Gear Talk / cannondale
« on: December 23, 2006, 10:31:29 pm »
Hello I recently finished a cross country ride with a cannondale touring bike and it held up wonderfully there were no problems.  the only thing was a questions was finding bike shops that would service canndondales, but luckily we didn't have to have anything worked on your bikes because they held up great.

Routes / Another southern tier rider
« on: December 21, 2006, 02:04:36 am »
Hello! I traveled the southern tier just over the boarder of New Mexico to San Diego. The grades aren't bad the only thing to think about is the decent from Globe.  When we travel there in November there were strong wind currents and the road was very busy.   The only other slow climb was the one over the last mountain in California.  It was very hot there in November, also we were told to be lucky that there was no wind, since usually there are very strong winds blowing through those mountains.  Thats all i can think of right now. if you have questions feel free to ask.

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