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Topics - AriveeII

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / How Realistic is 125 miles daily mileage?
« on: May 13, 2010, 12:19:00 am »
I plan to ride from Astoria, OR to Los Angeles, CA in July.  I am looking to average about 125 miles a day.  I will not have a trailer or bags, just me, my road bike, food in my jersey pockets.  I have homes I'll be staying in at every 125 miles (or close).  I plan to stop at stores for extra powerbars, fruit, nuts, water, etc. throughout the day.  I have done the Seattle to Portland ride a few times (200 miles in 10 hours) in one day and felt great. 

I'm wondering if anyone has done this before (solo riding) and if this seems realistic.  I plan to ride everyday on the road 6-6:30am every day, 12.5-17mph, 7-10 riding hours with breaks every 1.5-2 hours.  I know this won't be a 'tour', but more burning through the day, though I appreciate any honest advice or input on how realistic this is by those who have done this route or similar mileage.

Thanks so much. 

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