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Topics - gavin_japan

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Trouble mounting rear rack on my road bike
« on: June 07, 2006, 11:10:53 pm »
I am planning on using a 2005 Jamis Quest for a credit card tour this summer.  I naively thought that because a bicycle had mounting bolts for a rack that one would fit.  The rear caliper brake is getting in the way of the left sided strut from the rack.

Any Suggestions on a safe and sturdy way to jury-rig something?

Gear Talk / Will touring destroy my wheels.
« on: June 05, 2006, 11:55:04 pm »
I am a roadie who is planning my first ever "credit card" Tour this summer.  I am planning 600 miles through OH, PA and NY.  I am putting a rack and panniers on my road bike.  I currently ride Mavic Ksyrium Elite wheels with 25mm tires.  I am 165 lbs.  Will a 20-25 lb static load on a rack have much more of an impact on my wheels than a 190 lb rider? (I know a 40 spoke Phil Wood wheelset would be better but I am trying to make do with what I have.)

This message was edited by gavin_japan on 6-5-06 @ 8:24 PM

Pages: [1]