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Topics - GeorgeC

Pages: [1]
Great Lakes / Anyone interested in Touring living in Central Ohio?
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:07:03 am »
I wonder if there are folks living in the Columbus area who would be interested in taking a ride, long or short -or- just corresponding.

I'm 71, male, married (the wife does not ride), have never toured, but am eager to give it a try. So I thought I'd start this thread and see if anyone responds.


General Discussion / Car parking along ACA routes
« on: March 18, 2008, 05:59:43 pm »
I've never done any self contained touring, but the idea appeals to me. Rather than traveling the entire length of the UGRR, for instance, I would like to do it in sections of four or five days out and then turn around and ride back.

My question is, if others have done these kinds of short tours, where do you park your car for a period of eight to ten days?

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