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Topics - jimbo

Pages: [1]
Classifieds / Trek 520 2011 62cm
« on: June 16, 2024, 05:29:38 pm »
2011 520 needs a new home. No rust.. well maintained… root beer color.. good lights , computer, front and rear racks.. low gears for climbing ( mtn bike set up)
Rochester NY area. Make an offer.

Classifieds / Pacific Coast maps 2021
« on: June 16, 2024, 05:12:34 pm »
I’ll mail the 2021 Pacific Coast maps to you and you can mail me $10.., or  Best Offer. They need a new home.

Routes / Libby to Kalispell on Rt #2 OK to ride?
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:49:38 pm »
Who has ridden Rt # 2 from Libby to Kalispell and how was traffic and shoulder? We'd be doing it in 2nd week June.

And from Kalispell to West Glacier?  Route?  Conditions?  I note that Google Map Bike has some options from Kalispell to Columbia Falls that are off #2. From Columbia Falls to West Glacier seems to be primarily on #2. Shoulder w/o rumble strip?


Routes / Summer heat on the TA
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:18:13 pm »
I'll be on the TA  in MO, IL, KY and VA in July-Aug. How bad is it for heat & humidity? ( mosquitoes, gnats ?)

I am used to 80's in western NY and wonder how much I will suffer further south. I notice the "ave" temp for  most of the TA route is 90º, which could mean high 90's are not unusual.  We are primarily camping, but will use motels as needed.

What has been your experience?  Thanks.

Routes / Eureka to Whitefish
« on: July 13, 2008, 10:43:46 pm »
I will be following the ACA route (North Tier) between Eureka to Whitefish
but all the journal entries I read at CGOAB indicate it is a terrible road and
with much traffic. Any options here?
I will not be loaded and will be on 700x28's..fine with most gravel roads.

Routes / Wyo Routes
« on: January 12, 2008, 12:39:17 pm »
Have been a viewer, but first time sender. Mapping out a first time touring
trip W2E supported "C2C4 Conservation" route (Aug-Oct 08). The plan
includes traveling thru Yellowstone, exiting on 14 to Cody-Graybull. I
have driven 14 thru Granite Pass to Ranchester and also 16 to Worland-
TenSleep-Buffalo via Powder River Pass. I recall that Granite Pass is steep
but Powder River more gradual. Thoughts on best pass?
Heading East next stop is Black Hills and Wind Caves. Best Route for a
Trek 520? Thx

Pages: [1]