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Topics - Guncutter

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Feedback on this bike please...
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:04:20 pm »
So, me and a friend are planning a tour of the Pacific Coast.  It will be for about 4 weeks and involve camping and motels.  Travelling as light as we can but still bringing a tent and the other necessaries for that...

We need bikes on a budget really and are considering the below modesl which are really the top of our budget I'm afraid.  As we are not cyclists any feedback appreciated!

We are in the UK as well, so any other suggestions welcome, but ideally in the same price bracket and from the uk... obviously looking something within budget that will take panniers, mudguards etc.

Thanks a lot!

Routes / USA touring routes - September?
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:09:02 pm »
I'm looking for some advice on the best options for a 4-6 week cycle tour in the USA in September?
Just some pointers in the right direction before I start researching proper...
We will probably use modified MTB's and look to camp.
I have done San Francisco to LA before and would repeat this as my friend is keen to do it... but perhaps a longer stretch of the Pacific coast (all of it??) starting as far as Seattle this time of year? Or a loop involving Vegas/The Canyon??
Any ideas or other options very welcome!

Gear Talk / Which touring bike?
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:47:18 am »
I'm not a year round cyclist so all the bike specs etc really mean nothing to me.

I'm looking to get a touring bike for a 2-3 month trip, location as yet undecided, but probably in New Zealand or the USA, and I'm considering one of the following Ridgeback tourers. The Ridgeback Horizon, Voyage or Panorama.

Any input appreciated, as I don't really have a clue what I'm looking for!

I know that one of the models comes complete with panniers, I believe it is one of the cheaper models, but I can't remember which one and the website doesn't say. I mention this in case this is a factor to consider in any decision.

The more expensive one is probably out of my price range but I COULD stretch to it if i'm going to get significantly more for the money...


Routes / What route to take feb-may 2011?
« on: August 29, 2010, 11:58:33 am »
Hi folks,

I'm an Irish guy, looking to do his first big tour of the USA.  However, this has to be over the period of Feb, March, April 2011, as that is the only 3 month block of holidays that work would grant me.

Basically, I'm looking for any suggestions or advice on the options available to me during this time period?

Ideally, I would have liked to have done the TransAm or the Northern Tier but I'm sure that it would be the wrong time of year for either of these, unfortunately. 

Is the Southern Tier the only viable option to cross the States from February-April?  And is West - East best?

I don't know why, but this route never really appealed to me like the TransAm or the Northern Tier. Or can anyone suggest a good alternative?  A south-north route perhaps?

I have previously cycled from San Francisco to LA, averaging about 80 miles a day.  That involved hotels/motels but this time I plan to get a touring bike and panniers and camp most of the trip... 

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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