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Topics - popeyespal

Pages: [1] 2
Classifieds / FS:Surly LHT 60cm 26" FULLY LOADED LOTS OF XTRAS!
« on: November 26, 2012, 12:36:02 pm »
As I am sure happens to many...the bike trip is off.

This bike is for sale in nearly brand new condition, less than 800 miles on it. It has never been dropped. No marks, scratches or anything. I would like to sell the bike with the accessories and gear I have purchased.

I am 6'2" and weigh 225 and the bike handles like a dream....even when loaded. Longest day I have done with it was a 103 miles through some fairly hilly terrain and I loved it. If I was still going on the trip I would keep it.

Specialized Avatar Seat (and original seat and post)
XLC Seat post
Power Grip pedals (and originals)
2 Bottle cages
2 Thermal large capacity water bottles
Avenir pump
Two sided kick stand (great for repairs and when its windy)
SKS Full Fenders
Planet Bike rear light
Delta Mountain rear rack
1 pair Seattle Sports "Titan"  waterproof rear bags in yellow
1 Eleven81 handlebar bag (quite large w/top map case,main and front pockets and two side mesh pouches)
GPS/SmartPhone handlebar mount
Catseye Enduro 8 cyclocomp

I have all paperwork and bike is still under warranty & still has a free tune-up available from Harris Cyclery in Massachusetts.

Asking $1000 for everything or $800 for just the bike. I will consider PARTIAL trade for a hybrid street/mountain bike.

Classifieds / For Sale.....2011 26" Surly LHT
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:58:47 pm »
As I am sure happens to many...the bike trip is off.

This bike is for sale in nearly brand new condition, less than 800 miles on it. It has never been dropped. No marks, scratches or anything. I would like to sell the bike with the accessories and gear I have purchased.

2 bottle cages
Avenir pump
SKS Fenders
Delta Mountain rear rack
1 pair Seattle Sports "Titan"  waterproof rear bags in yellow
1 generic handlebar bag (quite large w/top map case)
GPS/Phone handlebar mount
Catseye cyclocomp

I have all paperwork and bike is still under warranty & still has a free tune-up available from Harris Cyclery in Massachusetts.

Asking $1200 for everything or $1000 for just the bike. I will consider PARTIAL trade for a hybrid street/mountain bike.

Routes / Route 66?
« on: August 07, 2011, 09:50:16 am »
I live in Massachusetts and would like to ride to Phoenix, AZ. I am considering heading west on the Hudson/Mohawk trail......south on the Erie/Great Lakes system to Chicago and then Route 66 to Arizona.

How feasible is this?

Gear Talk / Wireless Comps....
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:07:50 pm »
Any downside to wireless cyclocomputers like the CatEye Micro?

Gear Talk / Panniers = racks= bike
« on: March 29, 2011, 06:31:09 pm »
I own a 60 com Surly LHT.

I believe I want to buy the  front/rear panniers from Seattle Sports...either the Rain or Titan.

What is the best quality rack that is guaranteed to work with both the bike and bags?

Looking for a heavy duty rack that I won't have to give any thought to once it is installed. No more than 40lbs on the rear or 20 on the front.

General Discussion / Indoor Training...
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:05:07 am »
Winter seems to be throwing a full court press on New England this year. I stopped riding outdoors just after the late December storm.

What sort of regimen do you average riders use to get ready for a tour when riding is not available?

I'm NOT a gym freak and am not able to dedicate multiple hours every day to going to a gym.
My tour is on a budget so buying one of those expensive floor stand things is out.

So it boils down to home and minimal expense. Any ideas?

Gear Talk / Penny Stove...
« on: January 29, 2011, 09:22:35 pm »
After six efforts that worked, but were far from perfect, I finally got a penny stove design all put together and I love it. I can boil a liter of water in just under 12 minutes although that is FAR more water than I should need. Reheating a can of beans or fixing Raman takes less than 5 minutes.

The stove burns Isopropyl Alcohol and I have tested it with both 70% and 90%. The lower percentage works and is a bit cheaper but does not burn as hot and so takes a bit longer. Not an issue for me but I will carry the 90% HEAT as a fuel source. Six meals worth of fuels costs less than $2.

The stove itself is the diameter of a pop can and about 2 inches tall and sits inside of another can that acts as windscreen, cooking rack and storage. I painted the screen/rack with Krylon black stove paint. The whole set-up is six inches tall and weighs less than 5 ounces. Perfect.

And is sitting on a Rubbermaid box. I can cook a meal...blow out the flame and handle the stove with my bare hands. The heat funnels straight up and is not wasted on the stove itself.

General Discussion / Do you carry one?
« on: January 08, 2011, 08:53:22 am »
A friend has asked me to take an item she gave me on the upcoming tour. I have my dog-tags from back in the day that I planned on wearing full time but that was as much thought as I had given the idea until she asked.

There is an inventory list over on the Bicycle101 guy's site that has a spot for "lucky charm/totem".

Have any of you carried good luck pieces or mementos? What's the most unusual thing you seen or heard of?

General Discussion / MERRY CHRISTMAS!
« on: December 25, 2010, 08:55:56 am »
Not trying to ignore the other holidays in this season but today is Christmas Day. May all of you, regardless of belief, have a very happy and blessed day with loved ones.

...and if you happen to be on the road today? Smooth riding my friends!

Classifieds / SOLD: ACA Atlantic Coastal Route Maps
« on: December 21, 2010, 11:15:58 am »
I have sections 2,3,4 and 5 available for sale. All maps are unused and only section 2 was ever even unfolded.
BRAND NEW!!!! with Addendums.

Routes / A Monkey Wrench...
« on: December 15, 2010, 11:45:52 am »
So. On and off, I've been thinking about this kind of a trip for a few years now. It's only been within the last few months that I've really started planning and training. I want to do a perimeter trip around the USA.

Here's the basic idea. I would leave Boston at some date between April 15th and 30th, 2011 and follow the Atlantic Coastal Route as laid out by ACA. (Already have the maps.) Get to Key West. Southern Tier to arrive in Pheonix. Get to Las Vegas. Arrive in San Diego and go up PCH to Vancouver. At this point make a decision and either return to Boston via Northern Tier/Great Lakes OR ride to my family home of Anchorage, AK. and then across Canada to Boston.

I have 14 months give or take and I planned on covering 80 miles a day with riding about 6-8 hours a day 6 days a week. If I round way down and say that I ride 350 days out of the 14 months that gives me a total of 28k miles. Plenty I think.

I planned on stealth camping 90% percent of the time and then utilizing, and hostels for the nights indoors. I think I can do this trip on an average of $15-20 per day. I have a brand new Surly Long Haul Trucker and I want to carry trailer for me.

Recently I have been getting a lot of feedback from friends and others that say I may want to rethink my route and timing. I've been told that I would be doing the two crossings at exactly the opposite times that I should. I've also been told that going north on the PCH is insane.

I HAVE TO... Start and end in Boston...arrive in Key West, Pheonix, Las Vegas and Seattle. Everything thing else, including departure date, is open to debate.

What would you do?

General Discussion / Getting Blog Readership....
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:20:12 am »
What is the best, no cost, way to advertise my trip blog?

I'm really just trying to get folks to  read it and offer some feedback so that I can learn from others....

Gear Talk / Panniers
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:10:38 pm »
Are Arkels really the best? That seems like an awful lot of money for a bit of fabric and plastic. Are they really worth it?

My first big trip starts in April 2011 and will, hopefully ;), be a perimeter of the USA trip...

Gear Talk / Biking Shorts/Pants
« on: December 12, 2010, 01:45:48 pm »
I have seen many posts concerning cycling shorts but everything seems to pertain to the lycra "here's all my junk" style. I have even seen posts from someone called the Underwear Nazi? (Message skivvies here.)

I don't mind the traditional bike shorts while I'm training on the bike trails near here but when I take off on my trip I would like to wear shorts/pants/convertibles that don't offend people at the grocery store/cafe/wherever. Besides I would just feel more comfortable looking normal.

I get the "if they don't like it they don't have to look" attitude, but find that to be a rather self-centered point of view.

In cruising the internet I have seen different styles but the offerings seem to be few and far between. I thought about wearing bike shorts under regular shorts but have been told that the seems are different and will cause discomfort on long rides.


General Discussion / The Bike Song
« on: December 09, 2010, 10:38:26 am »
The Bike Song....

Sweet bikes and retro babes....does it get any better?

Can anyone identify the bike with the double top tube?

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