Routes / My own Great Debate
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:53:06 pm »
So, as many of you, I plan on touring starting in June. This is a given and in the months passed, I had the idea to ride from my home in NJ, south to VA and then across eventually ending in 'Frisco. Within the past week, Ive really flirted with the idea of getting to the west coast by rail and then "taking the long way home" by bike. The latter idea, now, is especially tempting seeing as recent news of my sister having a baby boy thats due in late August has emerged. I would love to leave from my home on the east coast and ride into the sunset day in and day out but I would be eternally bummed if I were to say, NOT make it all the way to the west coast pre-baby. That is going to be the deciding factor on when I end my trip. So, I have 2 questions for all of you with more experience than I and I would love to hear what your opinions are...
"Am I just being ridiculous for wanting to see the Pacific Ocean and just enjoy the ride for what it brings or is riding along the west coast as breathtaking as I have imagined in my head?" (NJ IS FLAT ALONG THE WATER!)
"Where can I take a train into, to get somewhere above the Red Woods in NORCAL so I can ride the Pacific Coast to 'Frisco and then bear east?"