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Topics - ragincajun

Pages: [1]
Gear Talk / Euro Touring Bars
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:44:47 pm »
What an adventure selecting the proper handlebars, right?  I am wondering if it is possible to order Koga Dali Handlebars with Koga Foam.  I don't want a world traveller since I prefer the Thorn Nomad with renolds steel tubing.  Here is a photo of the bars.  

They are very hard to find, but I have to have them or a near exact duplicate.  Cab anyone offer a suggestion?  I do not see where they are sold as an accessory anywhere.  It looks best with an ITM Vertigo Stem which I cannot find as well.



Gear Talk / Most durable Crankset
« on: January 27, 2007, 08:14:33 pm »
I am preparing for a tour of just under 1,000 miles.  I am considering which crankset would offer the most durability for me.  I will probable get a Shram chain because I like the Powerlink.  I had been considering Shimano XTR since I want the M960 SHifters on my flat bar set up.  Recently, however I have heard that they are not very robust.  Any suggestions? :confuse:

Gear Talk / Building a Thorn Nomad
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:55:49 pm »
I just ordered a Thorn Nomad from SJS Cycles in the UK.  I purchased the frame only and wanted some oppinions for the best crank, shifter and brake combinations.  I like drop bars and really plan mostly road use.   I will be on long tours and want high end, reliable components.  Does anyone have any experience with components that not only function well, but make for a really nice ride on this particular frame?  I know that I will need a triple crank for sure.Text

General Discussion / Thorn Vs. Koga
« on: March 06, 2007, 11:22:05 pm »
Well I have a small deposit on a derailleur equipped Thorn Nomad. Last week, I was looking at the "fully loaded touring bikes on tour" site and observed a black Koga World Traveller. I loved the look of the frame even though I prefer steel.

I know everything about the Nomad and nothing about the World Traveller.

 Is there anyone out there who can tell me (with experience) more about the ride of the Koga? I am having last minute second thoughts and since these bikes are expensive, I want to make sure I choose the best one.


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