« on: February 19, 2007, 09:47:59 pm »
I'm in the early planning stages of my first tour. I am an experienced mountain and road biker, with several centuries under my belt, as well as camping, but no overnight touring (although I'm very confident). I'm going solo, I plan to rough camp, and prepare my own food. I can live cheap!
As for bike choice, I'm planning on riding my Gary Fisher Paragon 29er - very comfortable ride, can handle all road conditions, great gearing, tough tires with low rolling resistance (for a mountain bike) WTB Nanoraptors.
I want to do a loop to Glacier NP, then Yellowstone/Grand Tetons. The route I am planning takes me from my home in mid-Michigan, through the Upper Peninsula, Wisconsin, Minnesota, ND, and into Montana. The south to Wyoming, and back home through SD, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and then ferry across Lake Michigan to home. Mileage is ~4500, and I have roughly 60 days. This comes out to 75 miles per day average.
My problem is I don't want to rush the trip, but I definitely want to get to the Rockies. I don't want to do an out and back, I prefer a loop. I would like to have time for side-trips, cool towns, meeting locals, etc. Am I asking for too much? Am I comprimising the experience for the destination?